Research Claims Married People that Watch Porn More Likely to Commit Adultery

Carrie Dedrick

A new study claims that there is a link between people who regularly view pronography and marriage infidelity reports Christian Today.

Researchers from the University of Chicago surveyed 551 married adults to ascertain their pornography-viewing habits and their attitudes about affairs.

The results led the researchers to believe that being exposed to porn leads viewers to have more relaxed opinions on  infidelity. The researchers believe that this could be caused from porn portraying unmarried sex as “normative and rewarding.”

“Pornography consumption was associated with more positive subsequent extramarital attitudes,” researchers Paul Wright, Robert Tokunaga and Soyoung Bae claimed.

A 2003 study of 350 divorce lawyers reported that about two thirds said pornography was a factor that led to the destruction of clients’ marriages.

“If pornography consumption leads to more positive extramarital sex attitudes as the results of the panels suggest, pornography consumption may be a contributing factor in some divorces via extramarital sex behaviour,” claimed the University of Chicago study.

Many Christians believe that the act of view porn is in itself a form of adultery as the Bible warns that lust is a sin.

Christian blogger Matt Walsh said, “The absence of physical touch doesn’t automatically free you of the scarlet letter.”


Publication date: May 13, 2014