Ted Cruz Urges Pastors to Preach on Biblical Marriage

Carrie Dedrick

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz has urged pastors across the country to preach on biblical marriage this Sunday (April 26), ahead of the Supreme Court’s anticipated decision regarding same-sex marriage. 

The Republican candidate sent a letter requesting the sermon topic to tens of thousands of pastors, Christian News Network reports. 

He wrote, “On Tuesday, April 28, the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in favor of ‘same-sex marriage.’ How will the American church respond? The prophet Daniel described the people who know their God as people who do two things: display strength and take action (Daniel 11:32).”

He continued, “We know that marriage is intended to be sacred, beautiful, and nourishing. If you do not influence your congregation’s understanding of marriage, who will fill the void? Hollywood? Divorce courts? The church has not shared the truth about marriage well; it is time to repent and commit ourselves to courage on this front.”

In addition to preaching about biblical marriage on Sunday, Cruz also asked that pastors lead a special prayer service on Tuesday (April 28), the day that the Supreme Court hears arguments for legal same-sex marriage. 

“Will we discard an institution, ordained by God, which has brought so much stability and happiness to the human family? Or will we stand in its support? Rightly or wrongly, the Supreme Court will take a stand on marriage this summer. Let’s take ours now,” he wrote. 

Publication date: April 22, 2015