Christians in India Suffering Severe Persecution for Praying in Their Own Homes

Amanda Casanova

Evangelicals in India are asking that UK Christian leaders push the Indian Prime Minister during his visit to the UK to help persecuted Christians in India.

The Open Doors charity says that Christians in the country are being beaten and killed.

"The situation has deteriorated in the north. It is not just Christians,” said Vijesh Lall, secretary of the Freedom and Development Commission of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. “It is other minorities and civil society being affected as well."

According to Christian Today, Lall said in one case that 13 pastors had gathered at a home of one of the pastors to pray and they were beaten.

“They were taken to the police station where they were told: 'This is a Hindu nation. Your kind of prayers are not allowed.' They were released later that day after many hours in custody,” he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is spending three days in the UK.

"I do not see a bright future unless the Prime Minister really does something. He's there in your country now. Maybe people can try and talk to him about this," Lall said.

India’s population is about 1.2 billion and about 2.3 percent are Christian.

Photo: Hyderabad, India

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Publication date: November 13, 2015