Marco Rubio Responds to Question about Seeking God's Guidance: 'God's Ways are Not Our Ways'

Veronica Neffinger

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio said recently that everything is part of God’s plan, including the Paris terrorist attacks and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

According to the Christian Post, while speaking at a campaign rally in Iowa on Monday, Rubio answered a question from the audience on whether he seeks God’s guidance before making decisions.

Rubio said the question was an important one and humbly stated that he does seek God’s guidance, but not as much as he should. 

The Florida senator then began discussing the importance of faith and trusting God, even when tragedy strikes.

“You doubt your faith when you are confronted with a challenge or problem and you start to have deep anxiety about it,” said Rubio. “We are biblically ordered not to be afraid. You know why? Because God is telling us that no matter what happens, ‘It is part of my plan. I will give you the strength to endure it whether you like it or not.’”

Rubio then shared about his own struggle with doubting and not trusting in God when he should.

He also stressed the importance of having a leader of the country who relies on God when facing the challenges and responsibilities that come with being president.

In answering the questions of “Where was God on 9/11? Where was God in Paris?” which he had been asked a couple months prior, Rubio said that he responded, “[W]here God always is--on the throne in Heaven.”

Publication date: December 1, 2015