Planned Parenthood Reportedly ‘Steam-cooks’ Aborted Fetuses before Disposing of Them

Veronica Neffinger

An investigation into Planned Parenthood clinics in Ohio has found that they not only dump fetal remains in a landfill after abortions, but they also “steam-cook” the fetuses.

Christian Today reports that Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine conducted the investigation of the so-called non-profit healthcare provider and found that they were in violation of “humane” disposal methods of the fetuses which are required by law.

“First, steam-cooking foetuses and then disposing of them in a landfill is not humane,” stated DeWine.

“It will come as a shock to Ohioans to find out that foetuses are being cooked and then they're being put in a landfill, and they're going to be mixed in with the garbage and whatever else goes into a landfill," DeWine continued.

Planned Parenthood immediately filed a lawsuit after being accused of these inhumane practices.

However, Troy Newman, president of the abortion-practitioner watchdog Operation Rescue, told that Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit was meant to distract from the real issue of their inhumane practices.

"[It's] an obvious ploy to deflect attention from their own lawbreaking by falsely accusing the attorney general. But perhaps the larger question is if dumping the cooked remains of aborted babies in landfills is inhumane, shouldn't we also consider the dismemberment deaths of these babies through suction or other procedures more inhumane?" Newman said, getting to the heart of the issue.

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Publication date: December 15, 2015