Methodist Minister Reveals She is Gay during Sermon

Amanda Casanova

A United Methodist Church minister announced last Sunday during her sermon that she is gay.

Rev. Cynthia Meyer, of the United Methodist Church in Edgerton, Kansas, has been with the ministry for 25 years, according to Christian Today.

"The Lord has led me here to share my deep truth with you. It's time," Meyer told her congregation on January 3. "I have been an ordained UMC pastor for 25 years. At last, I am choosing to serve in that role with full authenticity, as my genuine self, as a woman who loves and shares my life with another woman."

Meyer said for 20 years she had stayed single, but then fell in love with Mary.

“In the midst of much prayer, at long last Mary and I decided that the Holy Spirit had whirled us around and brought us together; that our relationship is a holy part of God's calling on our lives,” she said.

Under the United Methodist Church, “self-avowed practicing” gay people cannot be ordained or get married. She could be disciplined or removed from Church leadership. Church leaders have not yet contacted her.

"I've been thinking, reflecting and praying about my role in the Church and what it means to be who I am and ways to resolve the conflict between parts of my identity. A few months ago, this became clearer, and I see it as a sort of calling on my life to speak publicly about the two: about who I am as an ordained minister, and who I am as a woman in a loving, committed relationship with another woman."

Publication date: January 11, 2015