Christian Outdoorsman Bear Grylls Supports Remaining in EU

Veronica Neffinger

British Christian adventurer, outdoorsman, and writer Bear Grylls has said he supports the campaign for the UK to remain in the European Union (EU) ahead of tomorrow’s vote.

According to, Grylls shared his views in an Instagram post. He said that his views are just his personal opinion and that he feels the need to “speak from the heart” on this issue.

"This referendum has been hard to watch at times but, at heart, this is what I feel: I have travelled all over the world and have noticed, so often, how many of the most vulnerable people look to the UK for character and leadership, as if we are like beacons of good manners and fortitude,” he writes. "Our country's values and contribution are respected across Europe and beyond; the UK is a trusted friend to so many nations."

He then went on to state why he believes withdrawing from the EU is a bad idea:

"For the UK to retreat, run and cut ourselves loose from Europe, when there are so many challenges on our doorstep, to me just doesn't feel either courageous or kind. Europe has many flaws, but I also believe the way to help resolve many of those tough issues is from within. History has taught us that together we achieve more.”

The referendum to decide whether the UK should remain in the EU will take place Thursday. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 10 p.m.

Publication date: June 22, 2016