Study: Fewer Americans Believe in God and Miracles

Veronica Neffinger

A new study has revealed that more and more Americans are leaving church, and one of the reasons is lack of belief in miracles.

The Washington Examiner reports that a Pew Research Center study revealed that half of Americans who have left church say they no longer believe in God. The number of people in the country who don’t believe in God is also reportedly growing.

These so-called “nones” say they left church and stopped believing in God for a number of reasons, some of which include not liking organized religion, “common sense,” and believing science trumps miracles.

Representatives from the study also interviewed participants in order to determine the reason for this trend.

"About half of current religious 'nones' who were raised in a religion (49%) indicate that a lack of belief led them to move away from religion. This includes many respondents who mention 'science' as the reason they do not believe in religious teachings, including one who said 'I'm a scientist now, and I don't believe in miracles.' Others reference 'common sense,' 'logic' or a 'lack of evidence' – or simply say they do not believe in God,” researchers reported.

Other reasons people cited for leaving church and not believing in God included “Learning about evolution when I went away to college, “Too many Christians doing un-Christian things,” and “Because I think religion is not a religion anymore. It’s a’s all about money.”


Publication date: August 25, 2016