Poll: 90 Percent of White Evangelicals Believe Christian Values are under Attack

Amanda Casanova

Most white working-class and evangelical Christian voters would consider voting for Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

The poll says they would vote for him because they think America is not as great as it once was, not because they think he shares their conservative Christian values, the poll from CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation poll.

According to the poll, black evangelicals are against Trump, but 76 percent of white working-class evangelicals say they’d consider voting for Trump.

Six in 10 voters in the group believe that America’s “better days are in the past” and that the country is less Christian that it was.

Other insights from the polls were:

- Nearly 90 percent of working class whites who are also evangelical Christians believe Christian values are under attack in the U.S.
- Half of white working-class evangelical Christians identify as Republicans
- 41 percent of those with no religious preference believe Christian values are under attack

Trump’s slogan is “make American great again,” but many have questioned his faith.

"When listening to him, he's not a Christian. He does not have any of the values that we have," said Buddy Mitchell.

"I don't know of any redeeming quality of Donald Trump other than both Democrats and Republicans hate him," said Mitchell, who did not participate in the survey. "That's the only reason I like him: that the establishment doesn't like him."


Publication date: September 26, 2016