Human Rights Lawyer Facing Torture in China

Veronica Neffinger

A human rights lawyer in China has revealed that he is being subjected to torture by Chinese government officials in their attempt to extract a confession of guilt from him.

China Aid, an organization that monitors Christian persecution and human rights abuses in China, reports that Xie Yang has been imprisoned since July 11, 2015 for defending human rights and thus allegedly presenting a threat to China’s government.

In a letter, Xie Yang wrote:

Today I met with my attorney, Chen Jiangang, again. All my statements here are completely true and out of a free heart. I want to declare that I am completely innocent.

I have been suffering from all kinds of severe abuse and torture since I was arrested on July 11, 2015. Nevertheless, I have never pled guilty, because I am not guilty.

If someday I admit any guilt, whether in written form or voice recording, it would definitely not be out of my own will. It would be either caused by continued torture or to get a chance to be bailed out and reunited with my family. Both my family and I are under immense pressure now as the officials ask me to confess and stop talking about my torture.

Xie Yang has reportedly been subjected to torture such as beatings, lack of water, and suffocation. Authorities have also reportedly threatened him, although China’s government denies any allegations that Xie has been tortured.


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Publication date: March 8, 2017