One Month After Libya Attack, Questions Remain

  • Cal Thomas Syndicated Columnist
  • Updated Oct 11, 2012
One Month After Libya Attack, Questions Remain

One month ago today, the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked. Our ambassador and three others were killed. The initial story coming from the White House was that an anti-Muslim video sparked the violence. They now admit that the attack began before the video surfaced. What's more, the State Department now admits the attack wasn't spontaneous, but planned by terrorists.

And then there is this: a U.S. security officer twice asked his State Department superiors for more security agents for the American mission in Benghazi months before the attack. The officer called security "artificially low." He argued for more security, citing a chronology of more than 200 security incidents -- from militia gunfights to bomb attacks -- between June 2011 and July 2012. Forty-eight of the incidents were in Benghazi.

A House committee opened hearings yesterday into the matter. Secretary of State Clinton will not testify. She has an image to preserve, after all. The dead deserve a full investigation and the truth about what happened and why it happened.

I'm Cal Thomas in Washington.

Publication date: October 11, 2012