Joe McKeever

A Prayer to Start the Day

In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song and my prayer unto You and will look up.
Updated Sep 18, 2018
A Prayer to Start the Day

In the morning, O Lord, I will direct my song and my prayer unto You and will look up. (Psalm 5:3)

O Lord. I feel so weak. So helpless. So unworthy. So guilty. So lazy and so unqualified. I feel fleshly, not spiritual, and burdened, not free.
If You were to mark iniquities, O Lord, surely I would be the first to fall.
Thank You for grace. Thank You for Thy infinite mercy
Thank You that this is not about me.
It’s all about Thee. Thy riches, Thy supply, Thy will, and Thy honor.
I have no words to say how liberating that is.

Thank You, Father.

Not unto me, O Lord, but unto Thee be all honor and glory and blessing.
Not my will, O Lord, but Thy will be done.
Not my way, O Lord, but Thy way be mine.
Not my wisdom, O Lord, but Thy wisdom be mine in every decision.
Not my power, O Lord, but Thy power in everything I do.
Not my purposes, O Lord, but Thy purpose is all I want.
Not my strength, O Lord, but Thy strength is my sufficiency.
Not my joy, O Lord, but the joy of the Lord in all I do.
Not my provisions, O Lord, but thy supply for all I need.
Not my kingdom, O Lord, but Thy Kingdom come.
Not my name, O Lord, but Thy Name be magnified and honored.
Not my glory, O Lord, but all glory be to Thee forever.
Not my honor, O Lord, but all glory and honor and praise be unto Thee, both now and forever.
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom, Strength and Honor and Glory and Blessings. (Revelation 5:12)
Thy name be hallowed, Thy will be done, Thy Kingdom come.

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Originally published May 18, 2016.