Pastor and Christian Leadership Resources

Evangelism Tools that Go 'Vroom'

  • Keith Manuel Baptist Press
  • Updated Jul 01, 2009
Evangelism Tools that Go 'Vroom'

ALEXANDRIA, La. -- If a motorcycle rider was 100 percent sold out to Jesus, what would he or she look like? Groups of men and women around our nation are attempting to demonstrate this through motorcycle ministries.

Motorcycles riders were once considered rebellious, less than reputable individuals. However, today, the rider cruising down Main Street just might be your doctor, accountant, schoolteacher or minister. The number of registered motorcycles continues to rise, with more than 4 million motorcycles on the road in the United States.

Here's another interesting statistic: all 4 million riders need Jesus.

Whether someone has tattoos or tab collars, he or she needs a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Some churches are actively seeking to engage this particular culture with the claims of Christ.

The apostle Paul said, "I do all [things] because of the Gospel" (1 Corinthians 9:23). His goal was to engage a segment of culture without compromising the integrity of Christianity. Instead of a "whatever it takes" mindset, his was a "whatever does not compromise the faith" mindset.

Just as Paul said, "I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some," he also followed with these words, "I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified."

Motorcycles, like any other hobby or passion, is a tool to share the Gospel.

Recently, I was standing in line at a restaurant with a group of motorcycle riders from a local church when a man in line noticed our shirts with the FAITH Riders logo and website []. He said he wanted to ride with some good people.

Then he opened up and shared his story.

His son died six years ago in a tragic motorcycle wreck. They had ridden together often and he had just started riding again. We were able to talk to him about Christ and minister to him because of a common love for motorcycles. He gave his phone number to one of our men and promised to visit their church soon.

Men and women like this one are all around us -- hurting folks who need a touch from Jesus. We should be willing to show the Gospel to the world by our lifestyle and to share the Gospel with a verbal witness. The tools for reaching people will vary, but the message must be consistent.

Evangelism doesn't have to be boring or difficult. It can be as easy as finding your passion and then using it to engage your culture with the claims of Christ. You may not be enthusiastic about motorcycles but you may have an interest in fishing, scrapbooking or motorsports. Invite unchurched neighbors, friends or co-workers to join you in your favorite activity and sincerely become involved in their lives.

Intentionality is the key to sharing your faith. Many people spend their whole weekend with friends doing something about which they are passionate. However, the man or woman who wants their passion to make a difference for eternity intentionally creates the opportunity to share the Gospel.

If you were 100 percent sold-out to Jesus, what would people observe about you? Obviously, there should be many things different about you, but one element would stand out -- you would intentionally find ways to tell others about Jesus.

For additional resources about reaching out to various demographic groups in your area, contact your state convention evangelism office or your local association. They have tools to help you engage others with the message of the Gospel.

Keith Manuel is an evangelism associate on the Louisiana Baptist Convention's evangelism & church growth team.
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