Daily Devotionals

A Friend Loves at All Times - The Crosswalk Devotional - February 14

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A Friend Loves at All Times
By Whitney Hopler

Bible Reading:
“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” – Proverbs 17:17, NIV

Saint Valentine’s life is a powerful example of what it means to love at all times. In the third century, when Roman Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriages for young men — believing that single men made better soldiers — Valentine chose to act out of love rather than fear. As a priest, Valentine defied this unjust rule by marrying people in secret. But this led to him going to prison. Valentine befriended his jailer, Asterious, and Asterious became impressed by Valentine’s wisdom. So, Asterious asked Valentine to help educate his blind daughter, Julia. Valentine agreed, and he became a friend and mentor to Julia as well, as he read to her and guided her studies. Valentine’s character as a true friend intrigued Claudius so much that he offered to free Valentine from prison if he would renounce Christianity and embrace Roman gods. However, Valentine refused. He shared the Gospel with Claudius instead. Unfortunately, Claudius responded to Valentine’s loving choice by sentencing Valentine to death for his faith. Before his execution, Valentine wrote a note to Julia, urging her to remain strong in her faith and thanking her for their friendship. He signed the note simply, “From your Valentine.” That loving note from a friend during a time of intense adversity inspired the tradition of exchanging loving messages on February 14th, the day of Valentine’s martyrdom. Eventually, that tradition grew to become the St. Valentine’s Day holiday we know today. 

Are you willing to love sacrificially, as Valentine did? As Proverbs 17:17 points out, true friends stand by one another in every situation – even the most challenging circumstances that are full of adversity. True friends inspire hope and draw one another closer to God at all times. If you’re willing to love your friends no matter what, God’s love will flow through your friendships, strengthening you all. Two famous friends from the Bible – David and Jonathan – show what this looks like. Jonathan risked his own life to protect David. He gave David his loyal friendship even when he had to defy his father, King Saul, to do so. In the end, by remaining friends even through tragedies, all worked out for the best for their faith. Just like Valentine’s friendships, the friendship between David and Jonathan reveals that a friend loves at all times – even when a friendship is tested during difficult times

Here are some key ways you can love at all times in your own friendships.: 

  • Pray for your friends. When you lift your friends to God in prayer, God will answer your prayers and bless your friends with whatever is best for them. 
  • Be fully present when your friends are going through challenges. Being there for your friends when they need you the most shows them that you truly care. Ask them what you can do for them, and then do your best to give them whatever you can – such as practical help, careful listening, and encouragement. 
  • Don’t let adversity distance you from your friends. If you’re going through a challenge, don’t neglect your friendships. Stay in touch and be honest with your friends about what you need. If you encounter a conflict with a friend, do whatever you can to resolve the conflict and forgive each other for mistakes. Try your best to understand each other and care for each other, so you can enjoy peace between you. Always seek God’s best for each other. 
  • Celebrate good times together as well as helping each other during difficult times. Cheer each other on when you and your friends experience God’s blessings, and congratulate each other on your successes. Encourage each other to find joy every day in your relationships with God. 

Friendships are too often superficial in this fallen world. This Valentine’s Day, choose to pursue friendships that reflect God’s deep love. True friendship will sometimes require you to make sacrifices, but those sacrifices are worth it, because God will bring something that has eternal value out of your efforts. Choose to be a friend who loves at all times. When you do, you can look forward to God’s love flowing through your life in powerful ways!

Intersecting Faith & Life: 

As you consider how to be a friend who loves at all times, reflect on these questions: 

  • Are you present and supportive when your friends face challenges, or do you shy away from uncomfortable situations?
  • Do you forgive your friends when they make mistakes and try to resolve conflicts between you? Do you ask your friends to forgive you when you make mistakes?
  • How can you show more sacrificial love in your friendships when your friends need you?
  • In what ways can you encourage your friends’ faith and spiritual growth? 

Further Reading:
John 15:13
Proverbs 18:24
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Proverbs 27:17
1 Samuel 18:3

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema 

headshot of author Whitney HoplerWhitney Hopler helps people discover God's wonder and experience awe. She is the author of several books, including the nonfiction books Wake Up to Wonder and Wonder Through the Year: A Daily Devotional for Every Year, and the young adult novel Dream Factory. Whitney has served as an editor at leading media organizations, including Crosswalk.com, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and Dotdash.com (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She currently leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Connect with Whitney on her website at www.whitneyhopler.com, on Facebook, and on  X/Twitter.

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