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January Named Pastors' Wives Appreciation Month

  • Staff
  • Published Jan 14, 2005
January Named Pastors' Wives Appreciation Month

To highlight the important role of their spouses and to acknowledge the contributions these women make to the church and society, Global Pastors Network, a worldwide ministry of pastors, has named January Pastors’ Wives Appreciation Month.


“The pastor’s wife plays a critical role in the health of the church and local community,” said Dr. James O. Davis, president and CEO of Global Pastors Network, the group bestowing this special honor. “She’s often working behind the scenes, serving her husband and the congregation, with little support or accolades. We think it’s time that pastors’ wives around the world are finally recognized for their contributions.”


Dr. Lois Evans, president of Global Pastors’ Wives Network, senior vice president of The Urban Alternative, and wife of well-knownminister Dr. Tony Evans, welcomes the announcement and hopes the annual celebration will improve the ministry of pastors’ wives and other women serving in leadership roles. “Today, pastors’ wives are partnering with their husbands in key areas of ministry; they are using their gifts and skills that they might have used in the market place. Yet, these remarkable women of faith are rarely recognized for their efforts.”   


Gayle Haggard, author of a new book for pastors’ wives, A Life Embraced, and wife of Ted Haggard who serves as senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, believes the honor elevates all women in the church, and adds that  “the most important asset to any pastor is his wife and her support will cause his ministry to rise.” 


“According to one survey 60 percent of pastors’ wives desired more training to serve better,” said Evans. “Unfortunately there is not as much support available for the pastors’ wife. One of the most neglected groups in all of Christendom is the pastor’s wife.  At times being the pastor’s wife can be the most isolated and lonely place on earth.  A large percentage of pastors’ wives say that they’re lonely.  Many times a pastor’s wife feels unqualified to adequately serve those in need and typically she lacks the professional assistance, training, respect and value that other leaders in the church receive.”


That will soon change later this month with the first-ever global event for pastors’ wives titled “Free to Soar.” The three-day conference to be held in Palm Beach, Florida, Jan. 25-27, is expected to attract 2,000 pastors’ wives across denominational lines and thousands more women who will participate via satellite downlink at churches throughout the United States.


Speakers at the conference include Gary Smalling, Kay Arthur, Vonette Bright, Jill Briscol, Diana Hegy, Beverly LeHaye, and Dr. Lois Evans among others.


“I was glad to see the Global Pastors Network bestow this special honor to pastors’ wives and I hope the Pastors’ Wives Appreciation Month will become an annual celebration,” said Evans. “It’s a way of the church annually acknowledging the unique role of the pastor’s wife and her contribution to the church and society. This event is historic and it’s designed to equip and encourage pastors’ wives in ministry, in their marriage and in their home life so that she can better serve the church, her husband and her family and flourish.”


To further highlight the importance of the pastor’s wife, GPN created a Pastors’ Wife of the Year award and will name the first recipient at the “Free to Soar” conference.  And, to encourage congregations to join the tribute to pastors’ wives, GPN is offering a free book “A Celebration of Women” to any church wishing to honor their pastor’s wife. Through January, churches can visit or call 1-888-988-SOAR for information on how to obtain this free resource.


Global Pastors Network was co-founded by the late Dr. Bill Bright and current president, James O. Davis. Global Pastors’ Wives Network is a new ministry founded by Mrs. Vonette Bright, the wife of the late Dr. Bill Bright. “This ministry provides resources, training and networking opportunities for pastors’ wives around the world,” said Evans. “And like the theme is for the conference and be able to soar as God has intended for her to soar.”

