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Remember That People Follow the Leader

  • Timothy Eldred One Passion Worldwide
  • Published Sep 30, 2004
Remember That People Follow the Leader

If you find the godless world is hating you, remember it got its start hating me. (John 15:18 - Msg)

During the last couple weeks, I have found myself sitting down to create It's All About Relationships for the thousands who read this short devotional. As I began to write, I realized that sometimes there's nothing to say. Just like all leaders, I was in a dry spell.  Instead of trying to make something up, I chose to stop because you deserve "fresh" not "faded."

My challenge today for us all, as I resume this weekly encouragement, deals with a great danger leaders must acknowledge that people follow the leader.

Everyday we have the responsibility to set the tone for ministry, business, community, and home. At the beginning of "happy" days when we are fresh, our tone conveys excitement, enthusiasm and encouragement. What does our tone communicate at the end of "hectic" days? The start of the day often finds us fresh but we fade as the day draws to a close.

Sometimes it's not just days but seasons. Longer periods of time pass, and we are not only faded but frazzled and functioning less than at our best and
people follow the leader.

As we read about the life of Jesus Christ, Scripture forecasts the final days of His ministry on earth, and we flinch because we know that crucifixion is only a few pages away. The disciples who followed Jesus couldn't read ahead. They didn't understand what Jesus was saying as He tried to prepare them for the hectic times approaching even while He was personally dealing with the upcoming hour. We must pay attention to the tone He set for them.

The darkest days of our leadership will never compare to the devastating days that Jesus was anticipating, but even in the midst of His heavy heart, He knew that people follow the leader.   I can only imagine the calm in His voice and his quiet demeanor as He reassured and inspired those faithful followers up until the very end.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

We aren't always fresh and sometimes faded lasts a long time in our lives, but we are still called to lead. Set the pace by setting the tone, and set people up for greater success!

Remember, it's all about relationships!

Tim Eldred serves with One Passion in Branson, MO. While he travels extensively teaching principles of relationship-based ministry, he continues to serve as the Teaching Pastor of New Beginnings Christian Family Fellowship in Six Lakes, MI. Tim resides in Edmore, MI with his wife, Cindy and their two sons.


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