Church Worship

Restorative Worship through Wombs of Faith

  • Cinde Lucas Overflow Ministries
  • Published Sep 11, 2007
Restorative Worship through Wombs of Faith

My mom used to say that the biggest one gives in and shuts up first. Being a person given to having to have the last word, that was never an easy task for me to master. My mother had more wisdom than I could perceive at that time. In a strange, yet profound way, she was telling me what Galatians 6:1; You who are more spiritual restore.  If you know more, if you are truly more spiritual, then you are called to restore, rebuild, forebear, and cover others with love, compassion and mercy.

The Bible is a record of God restoring us back to Him. Throughout the pages of God's Word we read story after story of people who "appear" to have little potential, yet God is able to use them in profound ways. God loves using weak and foolish things to confound the wise! Rahab is a beautiful  picture of God's arm of restoration. Rahab was a prostitute and a highly unlikely candidate for righteousness. When the spies came into the Promised Land, Rahab risked her life to hide them out and protect them (Joshua 2).  Rahab was willing to abandon her old beliefs and cling to the truth of who she had heard God truly was (Joshua 2:8-13). She brought her family into her house, held out the scarlet thread of redemption and paid the price of faith so that her inheritance would be secured. Later in life she would give birth to a son, Boaz. Boaz continued in his mother's footsteps when he extended love and redemption to a Moabite woman, Ruth (Ruth 4). Like Rahab, Ruth started off in the wrong the place. But she was willing to stay close to her mother in law, Naomi (Ruth 1:16). She was willing to go into the fields and glean to insure their survival (Ruth 2).  She started out in the "work" mode, but her willingness and steadfast faith created a womb of faith in her as well. Ruth became the mother of Obed, who in turn was the father of David.

Rahab and Ruth were both part of Jesus' lineage. This should open our eyes to see that though people may not look like we think they should or act like we think they should their potential lies in wait for those of us who claim to be spiritual to come alongside them and raise them up to become who God created them to be. You may not be able to see the complete picture right now. Your family, your workplace, your church, your school may be lying in ruins all around you. But if you will hold out the scarlet thread of faith and believe God, He will plant seeds of restoration in you for them, too. You who are more spiritual, restore!

Seeds of restoration are always planted in wombs of faith. Abraham believed God, left his family, and pursued God's purpose for his life. Noah spent 120 years of his life building an ark to preserve His family before he ever saw a drop of rain. Rahab risked her life and aligned herself with God's plans and refused to let her family be destroyed. Rahab, Abraham, and Noah's willingness to protect and preserve God's plans created a place for God to plant His Seed of restoration in them for their families and for His glory.

God is still in search of wombs of faith into which He can plant seeds of restoration and truth. As those seeds grow and mature in us, we will worship Him by producing fruit for God's Kingdom. Restoration begins with a revelation of who God is. That revelation of Truth will break all the lies that we have believed and enable us to turn our lives back to the One who loved us first. Restoration begins one person at a time. Little by little we are called to bring the Light of Truth to those who are in deep darkness. We are called to build God's Kingdom, to restore those who have fallen, and love those who are unlovely. Light dispels darkness and Grace is greater than sin every single time. You who are more spiritual, restore!

Prayer: Dear Lord, create in me a Womb of Faith so that you can use me to bring restoration to others. Forgive me for seeing the faults of others without the willingness to love them. Your Love is longsuffering, patient and kind. Give me a heart that will work to bring about Your restoration to me, my home, my workplace, my church and my community. Let Your Kingdom of restoration be raised on earth, one person at a time, beginning with me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Scripture References: Galatians 6:1; Joshua 2; Ruth 1

Cinde Lucas is an ordinary person, who happens to LOVE to encourage and motivate people! She has a passion to share the Love of God with people and to let them know that God is GOOD and He has an AWESOME plan for their lives! Cinde truly desires to lead people into a closer relationship with God through music; her prayer is that the ministry we share will uplift and encourage people to be all that God created them to be. Visit Overflow Ministries at