3 Max Lucado Books That Will Inspire You

Max Lucado is one of the most well-loved and prolific authors of our time. He’s written over 200 books to date. Each of his titles draws readers into a closer relationship with God. Max Lucado books inspire and encourage readers all over the world.
Who Is Max Lucado?
Max Lucado is a Christian author and minister at Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. In his own words, Max writes book for people who don’t read books. He targets the lonely, hurting, guilty, discouraged, and disappointed. His desire is for them to know that God loves them and wants a relationship with them. His writing is easy to read as it combines poignant stories, a sense of humor, and deep spiritual truth. He’s written for adults and children alike, and His books have sold over 145 million copies. Christianity Today named him “America’s pastor," and Readers Digest named him the best preacher in America.
Beyond his amazing accomplishments, Max is known for being a gentle godly pastor who loves people. For example, during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, Max opened a space where people could post prayer requests, and he would simply pray for them. The response was overwhelming! During the recent polarizing elections, Max reminded believers that character does matter and also reminded believers to interact with the gentleness of Jesus rather than embracing vitriolic speech.
If you’ve never read any of Max’s books, there are numerous ones to choose from. Three of my personal favorites are listed below.
Anxious For Nothing
With the rise in anxiety and depression, this is a great read for any believer. In this book, Max gently encourages those who find themselves worried or stressed out. He offers grace instead of guilt and solutions instead of shame. Through his amazing ability to tell poetic stories, Max keeps the reader engaged while offering palpable hope for those who wrestle with worry and fear. In his book Anxious for Nothing, Max writes, “Anxiety is not a sin; it is an emotion. (So don’t be anxious about feeling anxious)” (pg. 11). For every person that has heard a sermon on how wrong anxiety is and felt guilty, you will find hope in Max Lucado’s words and wisdom. One of the most amazing quotes in the book is, “Isolation creates a downward cycle of fret. Choose instead to be the person who clutches the presence of God with both hands” (pg. 71). When dealing with anxiety, we need to clutch God’s presence, and we need to be honest with others in the body of Christ so that we’re not living in isolation. Max gives his readers permission to be vulnerable.
Using his incredible story telling ability, Max offers readers an amazingly comforting book. Every person who has wrestled with anxiety or worry should purchase a copy of this amazing book.
Help Is Here
Brilliantly and beautifully, Max Lucado describes the person and power of the Holy Spirit. With so many believers ignorant or confused about this third person of the trinity, Max reassures them that the Holy Spirit is our ever-present helper. He takes the reader by the hand and gently encourages them that they can become joyful and enthusiastic. They can lean into the 24/7 presence of the Holy Spirit to empower them. They can find and experience true rest and peace in His presence, and ultimately, they can discover the unique gifts the Holy Spirit has given them. In today’s world of rising numbers of severe loneliness, Help Is Here offers fresh hope that we are never alone. We can count on the Holy Spirit’s presence and power to guide us through life. He gives the gifts and the anointing that we need for each day. We never have to walk alone; the Holy Spirit is our 24/7 journeymate. Jesus promised that it was for our good that He go away so that He could send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who would be with us and live in us. (John 16: 7, 14:16-17).
When writing about the gifts the Holy Spirit has given the church, Max writes, “The Holy Spirit has given each of us a part in the wonderous song of grace. But we were not made to sing alone. Only when we blend our gifts can we expect a beautiful sound” (134). What a beautiful summary of the spiritual gifts and how they are to function in the body of Christ.
One of the special features of this particular book is the reflective questions that one of Max’s daughters wrote at the end of the book. The questions are designed to help you process what you’ve read in each chapter and also to lead you into a deeper understanding of the person and power of the Holy Spirit.
Friend, if you’ve never quite understood the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, I highly recommend Help Is Here. As you read Max’s words, your heart will be filled with joy and excitement as you begin to understand your 24/7 journeymate.
You Are Special
Even though You Are Special is intended for children, its message is profound. Every adult will also benefit from read.
The story is about the town of Wemmickville. Each day the residents of the town get stickers. They receive gold stars for talents and intelligence and attractiveness and gray dots for those who are not as talented, attractive or bright. Punchinello, one of the residents, is covered with gray dots and feels absolutely worthless until He visits Eli, the woodcarver and his creator. There in the loving presence of Eli, Punchinello is reminded that his worth comes directly from Eli and not from what others think. One of the most popular quotes from You Are Special is where Eli says to Punchinello, “Remember, you are special because I made you. And I don’t make mistakes.” What a beautiful reminder for both children and adults.
Through Max Lucado’s poignant story, readers are reminded that they were made in the image of God, and as such they are special to God just as they are. Parents and children will both enjoy and benefit from this amazing book which has sold millions of copies. The illustrations are gorgeous, and readers and listeners alike will be drawn into the story immediately. The truth is, we all need the reminder that God is our creator, and He considers us precious in His sight, no matter what others believe or say about us. If you’re looking to help your child with identity issues, this is a great book to read together.
While many books have been written through the years, Max Lucado’s books have been among some of the most impactful of our time. Through his unique ability to gently teach profound lessons through storytelling, the faith of readers everywhere is strengthened. What is also remarkable about Max is while he is a New York Times Bestselling Author he exemplifies a genuinely deep walk with God. His gentleness and grace is experienced by everyone who knows him.
Max Lucado, Anxious for Nothing, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2017)
Max Lucado, Help Is Here, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2022)
Photo Credit: © GettyImages/Yakobchuk Olena
Originally published February 22, 2023.