The Low-Fat Lifestyle - Book Review
The Low-Fat Lifestyle - Book Review
Author: Amy Nappa
Publisher: Waterbrook Press
At first glance, the title of this book conjured up assumptions in my mind about its content—you know, the typical diet book complete with guilty reminders of
how we should be counting calories and measuring portions.
While there is some mention of those health-enabling practices, I was pleasantly surprised by both the content and tone. Not only does The Low-Fat Lifestyle tackle how to eat more nutritiously, but it also has a comprehensive approach to health from a Christian perspective. Along with low-fat recipes and directions for determining how many fat grams your diet should include, there are also equally practical tools on how to have a low-fat home life, career and spirit.
Based on the principle that taking the “fat” out of every area of life leaves more room for a healthier, more fulfilling and abundant life—the kind of life God intends for us to have—Nappa is able to turn the typical guilt-laden motivation for health into something positive and encouraging. Her writing tone and personal experience conveys her sincerity and an ability to relate as an equal to the reader. If you’re ready for a true lifestyle change, then this is a good place to start.
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Originally published January 01, 2002.