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Husband And Wife Perform Christmas 'Amazing Grace'

Husband And Wife Perform Christmas 'Amazing Grace'
  • Published Dec 08, 2020

This classic hymn was originally written by John Newton. John wrote the hymn as a way of giving thanks to the Lord for granting him new life. As a sailor, John was known for his crude language and actions. But one day, he found himself caught in the middle of a terrible storm.

After hours at the helm of the ship, his thoughts began to turn to God. After surviving the weather, John started his life as a Christian and dedicated himself to serving our Father.

Today, Christian couple Caleb + Kelsey are singing a very unique rendition of this special song. The duo rewrote the words to create a Christmas rendition of this beloved hymn.

On Facebook, the couple wrote, “Amazing Grace is such a beautiful hymn that has brought such peace to so many...the same peace that Jesus brought to the world when he entered the world as our Savior and King. With that in mind, we rewrote the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" to celebrate the power of the Christmas story.”

When you hear these powerful words of praise, you will be reminded of God’s never-ending love for us. He truly gave us the most priceless gift when He sent His only Son down to Earth to die for our sins.

Now, we are all forgiven and that is a blessing that the whole world should see! What an incredible song to sing out to our King!

Source: Godtube
Credit: Anthem Lights