A Woman's Walk Daily Devotional for Christian Women

<< God's Love at Work

Awakening - God's Love at Work - Week of November 17

by Margaret D. Mitchell

"Wake up, Deborah, wake up!  Wake up, wake up, and sing a song!  Arise, Barak!  Lead your captives away, son of Abinoam!"  ~ >Judges 5:12

God suddenly alerted Deborah to speak a battle command to Barak, Israel's military leader, that would free their nation from 20 years of captivity and oppression.

Like Israel, how long and how often have we found ourselves held captive by ruthless consequences of sin?  Perhaps by our own volition or that of others.  Perhaps even by generational iniquity.  Did it not it feel like an eternity?  And did we not cry out for God to rescue us, just like the Israelites?

Indeed, God hears our cries.  And in His time, His gavel falls.  And when it does, it is swift.  Because He loves us, He not only puts an end to our suffering by driving a tent peg through the enemy's head, He revives us (Judges 4:21).  And we begin anew.

An awakening is a revival or renewal of something.  It is the beginning of a new beginning, a spring season in bud.  In Deborah and Barak's case, it was the beginning of a renewed freedom for Israel, a complete turnaround.

Awakenings are a call to action that give us a sudden, glorious opportunity to remove the grave clothes, shake off the dust and get it right.  They are rooted in God's infinite mercy and His heart of love for us.

Consider Peter. Acts 12:7 tells us, "Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter.  The angel tapped him on the side to awaken him and said, ‘Quick!  Get up!'  And the chains fell off his wrists."

As in Peter's case, divine awakenings offer us miraculous opportunity for escape, and they reposition us to fulfill God's plan.  Awakenings awe us and burst open doors of opportunity for us to receive God's abundance of life.  In divine awakenings, we are quickly relieved of burdens.  We are reminded that God's yoke is light (Matthew 11:30).

Divine awakenings send our hearts singing out of gratitude and joy.

Just last week, while sitting in my office, I noticed a bird singing right outside my window.  I don't often hear birds singing this time of year, and when I heard it's lovely chirp, I immediately sensed a spring season in my spirit. 

This occurred a few more times during successive days, which prompted me to pray about what God was telling me.  He responded by showing me the word, "Awakening."  As I continue to seek His heart, I believe the Lord will reveal what type of awakening He has at hand.

Are you in need of God's awesome awakening, His miraculous and "sudden" turnaround?  Spend time in His presence seeking His heart, worshipping Him, and ask Him for one.  God can reverse your circumstances in an instant and can reset you on a path of freedom to complete your divine destiny.  He can awe you!

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ. This devotional was adapted from Margaret's forthcoming book, Enduring Grace. All rights reserved.

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