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Obedience Strategy: Signposts - Part 1 - God's Love at Work - Week of August 30

Obedience Strategy: Signposts – Part 1 

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of August 30, 2020

A few months ago, my husband and I were faced with a pivotal decision. 

So, I pressed God for an answer, because our timeline was short. 

What should we do? Should we do this? Or should we do that?

God answered my prayer by showing me a vision of a road block in front of the way He directed us to go three years earlier. I could clearly see in my mind’s eye a barricade in front of a road with the Words “LIMITED TIME” printed over the scene.

God made His will clear to me that we were no longer to go that way and that the time for that track was over (Ps 119:110). 

God had something new. 

So, in continuing to seek and follow Him, we ultimately discovered He had a more beautiful, even loftier place for us than three years ago.

Friends, what better place does God have for you in this hour? What new beginning?

What is His next step for you?

Psalm 28:7 TPT says, "…When I fully trust in you, help is on the way."

God’s way is a sure path of life, shielding us from every danger (Ps 119:25, 37, 114).

His signposts are revelatory clues that He uses to bring clarity and help direct us along His best path. When we know God intimately, we know His voice in ways that align with His Word (Jn 10:27). We have eyes to see and ears to hear His truth (Matt 13:16, Ac 28:27 AMP).

Our level of obedience to His ways largely determines the level of life we experience on earth.

Abundant life is there for those who choose to receive it (Pr 11:19 TPT). 

God promises!

And it’s for His glory.

Psalm 31:19 NIV says, "How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you."

When we love God deeply, we revere Him, run to Him, and put His everlasting Word before us. When we know Him, we trust that He will authoritatively direct and establish us in His will and ways as we set our hearts upon Him.

He is the Word, and He is Love (Jn 1:1, 1 Jn 4:16).

Revelation of His Word is His light of understanding to us. This revelation-understanding is the signpost that guides us to our next step (Ps 119:97, 100).

Psalm 119:140 TPT tells us, "all Your promises glow with fire."

So, just like the pillar of fire (and a cloud) that guided the Israelites closer to their promised land, God's illuminated Word guides us into His promises to us as we set our whole hearts on Him and seek Him for understanding (Ps 119:130, 2, 80).

Righteous God goes before us and shows us the way, according to His Word (De 1:32-33).

He reveals these secrets to us not only so we can have an understanding heart, but so we can obey Him (Ps 119:34). This postures us to favorably complete assignments and receive enduring rewards to better help others.

When we love God more than anything (or anyone) else, we will follow Him more than those other things.

Friends, that’s when life gets amazing.

Psalm 119:127 TPT says, "Truly, your message of truth means more to me than a vault filled with the purest gold."

Psalm 119:129 TPT tells us, "Your marvelous words are living miracles; no wonder I long to obey everything you say."

So, God’s Word as miraculous, valuable treasure makes us wiser than our enemies and protects us (Ps 119:98, 92-94).

Holy Spirit teaches us along His straightforward way and directs the flow of our lives by His teachings.

Proverbs 21:21 TPT tells us, "The lovers of God who chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true: an abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction."

Conversely, compromise of His Word diminishes life.

So, we are to look for and obey God’s signposts of illuminated Word passionately, setting them ever before us. (Ps 119:130-131).

We are to be like the psalmist in Psalm 119:112, who determined in his heart to “fully and forever” obey whatever God said.

Friends, the more we come into alignment with God’s Word, the more we come to experience the revelation of His heart and the increased flow of His power to help others.

Proverbs 11:30 TPT tells us "...a life lived loving God bears lasting fruit, for the one who is truly wise wins souls."

Proverbs 11:24-25 TPT say, "Generosity brings prosperity, but withholding from charity brings poverty. Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor."

Friends, these are spiritual laws that work on our behalf and prove true in our lives.

So, do you love and trust God at His Word? Are you willing to follow Him and His ways?

If so, in light of all this, our prayer should be Psalm 119:29-32 MSG, which reads:

Barricade the road that goes nowhere; grace me with your clear revelation. I choose the true road to Somewhere, I post your road signs at every curve and corner. I grasp and cling to whatever you tell me; God, don’t let me down! I’ll run the course you lay out for me if you’ll just show me how.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Friends, join me next week for Part 2 of Obedience Strategy: Sign Posts.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.

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