God's Love at Work

Give Away: Challenge to Victory – Part 2 - God's Love at Work - Week of May 1

Give Away: Challenge to Victory – Part 2

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of May 1, 2022

God is calling each of us higher into new levels of victory in Him. To go higher, we must humble ourselves and walk with Him His way in grace by faith.

As we hearken to God in this ongoing process, He reveals Himself, His purposes, and His wisdom to enable us to receive His true blessings that are expressions of His victory He freely gives to us.

So, what expressions of His victory have you seen in your life in this season?

Key verses our Lord highlighted to me for this devotion are in Psalm 37, verses 4-6 NIV, which say, "Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun."

Friends, we are in a time of great, manifest recompense, of reward and vindication. And these blessings come with warnings: We are to be aware that we don’t deserve them but that they are graciously fulfilled by God’s goodness, not anything we have done. Also, we are not to put any of these blessings before God.

In Part 1 of this series, I shared a detailed prophetic Word based on the redemptive precepts of Amos 9. So, If you haven’t listened to it or read it, I strongly encourage you to do so. And to pray about it for your own lives.

In short, the Word says that God’s beloved will now receive His unconditional blessings as we have turned our hearts back to Him. The consuming fire we once endured will give way to greater, exponential fruitfulness. We will become a great witness to the redemption of God. Those who now value more of what God values, including themselves, will be surrounded by more of what is valuable and purposed.

Here in Part 2, I’m sharing the key strategies our Lord is highlighting in His written Word that supports His revealed Word from Part 1. We’ve already established that God’s mega blessings may come sooner than we expect and that they may include more than we expect or deserve.

Here are some more key strategies to remember:

1. Ask God for what we need:

  1. Matthew 7:11 TPT says, "If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask him?"
  2. John 16:24 TPT tells us that "...now you can ask, and keep on asking him! And you can be sure that you’ll receive what you ask for, and your joy will have no limits!"
  3. Our joy will overflow when we live in truth and love and experience God’s Presence and the fulfillment of His promises (2 John 1:4). As we focus on Him and delight in Him, He multiplies His goodness in our lives. Jesus is a finisher! So, when He fulfills promises in our lives, whether spiritual or material, our joy is made complete in Him who finishes what He began.

2. God will reveal His big blessings to us at His right(eous) time with confirmations:

  1. An important element to any blessing is a new beginning. New beginnings inherently mean that something else has to end. God desires that we be prepared for both. His grace will come off of that which He no longer desires to bless. This is one way He guides and grows us in His trust and clarity.
  2. There are numerous scriptures in regards to why God reveals events in advance to us. His primary purpose being to strengthen us for what’s ahead. You can read these scriptures on Bible.com by searching the phrase “I told you in advance.”
  3. Confirmations will come through His Word (highlighted scriptures and remembrances of Bible stories) and His witnesses and in other ways in which He usually speaks to us.

3. Expect a foreshadow opportunity:

  1. God may set us up to bless someone else in the same area that He desires to bless us. I can look back in my life and see this truth consistently whenever God was about to establish a big, breakthrough, life-changing blessing in my life.
  2. It’s important to recognize this set-up from a Kingdom perspective. Otherwise, self-pity and/or jealousy can try to hinder us. So, we must exercise Holy Spirit’s fruit of self-control and process through blessing others God’s way. We must remember that He always sets us up for ultimate victory.
  3. And the way we handle His set-up with regards to humility and submission to Him and His ways can affect our outcome. This especially includes how we perceive and treat the person He assigns us to help in advance.

4. God will bring the connections to work the vision:

  1. As we work what we know our Lord has assigned to us, He will work on our behalves to bring others into the vision to make wise decisions and corresponding actions that cause the vision to manifest and blossom.
  2. These helpers may be people you do not yet know. But they will be like-minded and will work to put action to “the more” God is adding to our lives.
  3. God will converge all the tangible elements into place without us having to overwork, as we trust and follow Him along His timeline. This blessing will prove to be a wonder that expresses and glorifies God from start to finish.
  4. Remember, He blesses the work of our hands and multiplies what we have sown (Deuteronomy 16:15).

5. Keep our eyes on God and His beautiful vision for us:

  1. This keeps us balanced and focused on what’s most important. God will fulfill His promises as a reflection of His stunning beauty, according to His reward of justice for each individual, as He reigns over it with us alongside Him.
  2. So, let’s magnify His greatness through the journey to honor Him and to remain encouraged, as described in Psalm 27:14 AMP, which says, "Wait for and confidently expect the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for and confidently expect the Lord."

Pray with me if you will…

Dear Lord,

We thank You that "every child" of Yours "overcomes the world, for our faith is the victorious power that triumphs over the world" (1 John 5:4 TPT). We thank You for making us "new in the attitude of" our "minds" by Your grace so that we can "put on the new self" to be like You "in true righteousness and holiness" (Ephesians 4:22-24 NIV). Thank You that, as we "take delight" in You, You "will give" us "the desires of" our hearts. And that, as we "commit your way to" You and "trust in" You, You "will make" our "righteous reward shine like the dawn," our "vindication like the noonday sun" (Psalm 37:4-6 NIV).

In Jesus’ Mighty Name.


Now, Lord, I declare over all who are willing to receive Your blessings during this season of recompense, Psalm 20:4 AMP, which says, "May He grant you your heart’s desire And fulfill all your plans."

To You, Lord, be all glory, honor, and praise! Amen.

Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.