God's Love at Work

Anointed Opportunities - God's Love at Work - Week of October 6

Anointed Opportunities

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of October 6, 2024

The anointing (Presence) of God powerfully breaks yokes of bondage out and off of people. His anointed ones are consecrated saints—kings and priests. The anointing is what renders them holy, separating them unto God (Vine’s). This would include Christ’s intimate followers, all of whom are chosen by God for specific callings and assignments to bring Him glory and make Him known in the earth.

A couple of weeks ago, Holy Spirit revealed to me that He’s about to work His gracious and powerful Presence (anointing) through His willing ones, in whom He has developed deep compassion, to break yokes of bondage off of others in profound ways and measures.

I had a strong sense that this merciful and gracious movement will happen as needed to purpose people into their next assignments. He is enabling people to overcome their old confines of suffering to begin anew.

The deep, daily work of holy sanctification and Presence His people experienced in the secret place in the former season has multiplied into overflow to deliver others into expressions of resurrection life.

Weeks ago, Holy Spirit showed me “It’s your time” in a Word-vision. So, it’s time to get our minds aligned with the new life He is bringing forth through us and keep our focus on Him, leaving lesser things behind.

In this light, it’s important to understand what the anointing is and why the enemy attacks it so fiercely.

Jesus’ title, Christ, means the Anointed One. His Presence as Holy Spirit is the anointing that lives in His reborn believers. This anointing or Anointed One is the best life in us, since He graces us and leads us into abundance in Him as we receive Him increasingly into our souls and act out of His Spirit, His nature, His character, His commands, and His resurrection power.

1 John 2:20 NKJV says, "But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things."

Vine’s dictionary says, "The gift of the Holy Spirit is the all-efficient means of enabling believers to possess a knowledge of the truth."

So, the anointing of the Spirit of Christ, who is the Holy Spirit, enables our spirits to know as Christ knows. We can trust this truth and walk it out with confidence as we abide in Him.

According to the TPT study notes for 1 John 2:27, “…the ‘anointing’ is the Holy Spirit poured into us, bringing life, illumination, wisdom, fruit, and power from the indwelling life of Christ.” These notes go on to instruct us to remain in the anointing. In other words, we are not to lean on our own limited understanding or be swayed by lies but to follow the path of God’s wisdom forward.

This is especially important because the anointing, or the Anointed One, also guards us and teaches us progressively as we hearken to Him.

1 John 2:26-27 MSG says that, "I’ve written to warn you about those who are trying to deceive you. But they’re no match for what is embedded deeply within you—Christ’s anointing, no less! You don’t need any of their so-called teaching. Christ’s anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in what you were taught."

So, here, we see a warning to not steer from what Holy Spirit reveals to us as His truth.

The AMPC of this verse says to "abide in (live in, never depart from) Him [being rooted in Him, knit to Him], just as [His anointing] has taught you [to do]."

Friends, this is an illustration of the best intimacy. This intimate trust is where the power is found. As we come into it, it will feel new and different and light, because God’s burden is light. There is a Holy ease (grace) to it. So, don’t go back to the former hard things. Don’t even look back, like Lot’s wife. Do not linger.

Instead, continue to abide with the Spirit of Christ in you and follow His light-filled path of wisdom in front of you.

Of course, the enemy of the human soul hates God’s power and light and attacks His Presence (anointing) in us fiercely, through those who lack God’s truth, because God has the true power to break the enemy’s hold on people’s lives, which “dis-integrates” him from them (1 John 2:9-11 MSG)

This self-serving and defeated devil, who hates losing ground through God’s truth, did the same thing to Jesus (John 15:24 AMP). But he’s no match for those who believe and know Holy Spirit’s truth and act accordingly above all else.

With the Anointed One in us, beside us, over us, before us, behind us and as our foundation, we can discern and overcome evil for Kingdom purposes and move on to do great exploits with Him. We can pray for people’s deliverance from evil and their infilling of Holy Spirit, while we keep moving forward with Jesus to fulfill destiny, just as the early saints did.

We can even ask for a double portion of God’s anointing, like Elisha did in 2 Kings 2:9.

We can walk through Mark 6:13 NKJV to “cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick" and heal them.

And we can rest assured God will deal with any antichrist spirit that “touches” His anointed.

To be sure, Holy Spirit will work uniquely in and through His willing ones to enable us to experience the joy of people set free. He will make us living testaments to His yoke-breaking power. Here, we will find that everything we went through in the secret place to die to selfishness to receive more of His anointing will be worth it; because our own limits and comforts cannot compare to the higher freedom and gift that our Lord offers to us . . . and others.

For His glory.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.