God's Love at Work

Supreme Ruler & Judge - God's Love at Work - Week of September 15

Supreme Ruler & Judge

By Margaret D. Mitchell
Week of September 15, 2024

Our Lord is lifting off limits as He continues to free people from long seasons of suffering. Recently, I saw the Word-vision "Suffered enough" while praying for someone, who was critically ill. Holy Spirit revealed this was not only for this particular person. But also, for His body of Christ-at-large.

God’s rich mercy from the last season that worked to drive His beloved to reach for more relief in Him has shifted into an uplifting and heavenly expanse.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Holy Spirit show me the Word-vision “delimitation.” Delimitation on Dictionary.com means "an act, instance, or method of fixing the limits or boundaries of something." God is lifting off coverings and bringing people to a point where His boundaries are restored in their lives for divine destiny.

Those who were once held in captivity to unknown sin, are being set free even more as they come increasingly into obedience and God's judgment is being released on perpetrators, according to His timetable.

This captivity to comfort pattern is found in the Book of Obadiah in regards to God turning the tables on His people’s haughty enemies, who took advantage of their weaknesses.

And it’s confirmed by Psalm 75:2 AMPC, which says, "When the proper time has come [for executing My judgments], I will judge uprightly [says the Lord]."

The redeemed ones, who humbled themselves in the last season, are now arising and being restored outwardly to a good place with a fresh appreciation and deep gratitude for their Lord. They can expect manifest expressions of their growth in Him as their promised legacy is restored once again. They have become God's new trustworthy ones, who have learned hard lessons and now operate in the wisdom of God with power.

Likewise, the unrepentant and self-righteous, who continue to operate in the flesh and align with the false pride of darkness, will not only find that their old wine ways are without power to afflict God's risen ones, they will be blind-sided in their efforts. God is turning the tables and bringing them into His light of truth, as He continues to expose their secret sins of false judgments and collusion.

God will reveal Himself as supreme judge and ruler and will restore a fear of God in them above their own ways. The God of mercy and grace will offer them true strength, like they never knew existed as they reach upward for Him. And it will be cultivated deeply in the hearts of these chosen ones on a new level as they persistently seek Him out of necessity.

So, the gloaters and false occupants, who judge harshly with hard hearts, will be brought into the blaze of God’s truth of who He is. They will be offered the opportunity to mature, and come into a higher understanding of not judging others for the same sins they themselves commit but do not see, according to Romans 2:3.

If these bound up ones choose more of God this time around, they will see and know that He alone is God and they will grow in their submission to Him, like the very ones they afflicted, and thought they ruled over but had no true authority to do so.

Understand that, in the last season, while some sowed covert collusion, others sowed repentance and endurance. While some grew weaker by holding onto their ways above God's, others submitted to Christ to be strengthened by Him. While some stayed stuck in false pride, others grew through pain.

God’s obedient ones will not only be better off in this new season, they will be rewarded for humbling themselves over an expansive time of great endurance.

And even as I write this devo, I see the Words “Enough, enough!”

There comes a time where God’s grace of patience is proven through His redeemed ones and His love for them shifts on their behalves in beautiful expressions of His favor. The same fire that refined them in the deep is the same glory that ignites their souls with the fullness of His promises.

So, it’s time for God’s redeemed ones to rise in His Spirit of gratitude and overflowing joy. It’s time for God’s stored up blessings to be released. It’s a time to walk out the beautiful life God created for them and testify to His goodness in their lives. It’s time to inspire others to keep moving toward Him and His promises. It’s time to move in the anointing our Lord poured into them during the crushing, the sifting, the pruning and the trials by fire. It’s time that His people live fully on the other side of what’s past and operate outwardly in the grace-power He extended to them all along.

He is inviting His people up higher, no matter where they find themselves right now. “There’s more,” says the Lord of Hosts. God has great provision and exploits for those who continue to trust Him and move in His ways.

So, may our prayer be a full “Yes” in response to His callings and assignments. May we keep going all the way to living in the expanse of an overcoming life poured out by and for His grace and glory.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name,


Margaret D. Mitchell is the Founder of God's Love at Work, a marketplace outreach purposed to share God's greatest power source - the love of Christ.