Dr. Tony Evans Devotional Alternative View

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A Breath Of Life - Alternative View - October 10

A Breath Of Life 

(Ezekiel 37:5)

A couple of years ago, the southern half of the United States went through a time of drought that led to a widespread crop damage. At the same time, the western part of the country was also experiencing an extensive drought, and wildfires threatened the lives and homes of countless people. 

When dryness comes, it is easy to shrug our shoulders and think, "It will rain soon." However, after a few weeks with no sign of rain, we begin to wonder if we will ever see wet pavement again. The spiritual drought that hit Judah lasted for years. The people were spiritually dry and failing in their development to God. Yet they were the ones to blame because they had abandoned their devotion to the Lord. 

God led Ezekiel to a valley where a mighty battle had taken place. Dry, sun-bleached bones littered the landscape, and the prophet felt hopeless at the sight. However, God reminded him that He had not abandoned His plan for the nation. Once again, He would breathe life into the nation, and even the bones in this valley would rise to new life.

When we open the door to sin, our lives become dry. When we ignore it, they become even dryer. When we refuse to heed God's warning by turning away from the very things that separate us from Him, we become dryer still.

Spiritual dryness leads to complacency and apathy. It brings a sense of deadness to our souls and turns us away from the things of God. Satan loves to entice us away from spending time alone with God in prayer and Bible study each day. He knows that if we fail to read God's Word, our lives will become dry, and we will lack the right kind of refreshment that brings life, hope, and joy to our souls. 

If you feel dry and weary, turn back to God, and drink deeply from His pool of everlasting refreshment and life. Then you will be spiritually revived and renewed.

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