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Embrace Vulnerability - Beloved Women - August 26, 2024

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Embrace Vulnerability – Beloved Women – August 26, 2024


“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” – James 5:16 ESV


The word vulnerability has become an embraced concept over the last few years. Yet, the truth is the word vulnerable means something being utterly exposed.

The truth of the matter is that many are suffering. There are churches FULL of people who praise the Lord on Sunday, but are depressed by Monday. This is not because the church is “bad”, but because it’s full of imperfect people too afraid to be EXPOSED. 

We fear being seen as weak. Yet, the Lord tells us that there is strength in numbers (Matthew 18:20).  As we confess our burdens to one another, we can be strengthened and healed. It’s in the counsel of others, that we can be reminded of the goodness of our God and reminded that we are not alone.

Today, choose to run towards vulnerability and not away from it.


Jesus, I thank you that you are the ultimate healer. Thank you for being with me in my afflictions. Holy Spirit, show me those who I can be vulnerable with. Show me who carries your love and grace. Highlight those who will draw me back to you and give me a humble heart to receive what you would say through them. In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.


If you are honest, is there someone in your life you can be vulnerable with?

Find more encouragement from Victoria here and take a look at her book “The Victory Walk: A 21-Day Devotional On Living A Victorious Life.”

© 2019 by Victoria Riollano. All rights reserved.

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