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The Good Thing vs. The God Thing - Beloved Women - August 26, 2020

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The Good Thing vs. The God Thing – Beloved Women – August 26, 2020

READ:All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up.”(1 Corinthians 10:23 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: In today’s verse, we see Paul share a powerful principle. He admonishes the Believers at Corinth to not get caught up in what is permissible, but to pursue that which is edifying. We each possess a myriad of abilities and there will be many opportunities placed before us. Perhaps you’re really skilled at doing hair and people keep requesting your services. Since everyone knows you’re adept at organization, it is suggested that you chair the 25th class reunion. While you may be capable of performing these good things, are they the God thing?

Catching hold of this truth can aid you in walking in obedience, reclaiming time and making the most effective use of your gifts and skills. Just because something is permissible, doesn’t mean it's beneficial to you or to the kingdom. Is it going to build you? Is it going to build the kingdom? If God called you to it, then He’ll grace you to do it. But if you step out there and pick up things you weren’t graced to do, you may start functioning in your own strength. That can lead to frustration and burn out. So when faced with the next opportunity, be sure to choose the better part (Luke 10:42).

PRAY: Thank you Lord for leading me in paths of righteousness for Your namesake. When presented with opportunities, may I exercise wisdom and discernment so that I choose the God thing over the good thing. Thank You for the doors You open and even for the ones you close. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: What strategy will you use to ensure you are choosing the God thing over the good thing?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Tyra Lane-Kingsland at www.inspiredtolivefully.com.

RELATED RESOURCE: At the Beloved Boutique, we know what it's like attempting to keep up with the demands of everyday life while still trying to make time to connect with God. This is exactly why we're dedicated to creating products that take the complication out of making time for God. Shop our journals, planners, scripture cards and more help you to connect with God in simple, practical, and meaningful ways at www.thebelovedboutique.com

© 2020 by Tyra Lane-Kingsland. All rights reserved.

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