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God’s Creative Power - Beloved Women - December 25, 2023

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God’s Creative Power - Beloved Women - December 25, 2023

READ:Ah, Lord God!  It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm!  Nothing is too hard for you.”  (Jeremiah 32:17 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: My morning walks always seem to bring out a new adventure in my journey with God.  This particular morning as I looked down from the height of where I stood, I was reminded of the wonders of our mighty Creator.  My eyes were heightened to the vibrancy and the multitude of hues of each color that covered the rolling hills and patchy farmland.  My ears were tuned in just a bit more to the variety of birds singing their song and the crickets singing their different notes.  God was using His creation to speak clearly of His power.  

The splendor of nature has a way of revealing the power of our Creator.  There is nothing too hard for Him.   The handprint of His love is stamped on every colorful flower, every singing bird, every green blade of grass and every rolling hill.  Every stark blue sky and starry night declares His glory.  God spoke with His creative power at the beginning of time and we can still see that power with each sunrise and sunset.  God’s faithful love surrounds us with the evidence of His creative power to remind us that there is nothing too hard for Him.

PRAY: Father, today, I draw my eyes to the heavens. You are all powerful.  I praise Your holy name.  Thank you so much for creating the glory of nature to remind me that You are God and there is nothing too hard for You.  In Jesus’ name, I pray,  Amen.

REFLECT: Take some time to go out into nature.  How does God speak to you through His creation?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Marilyn Salmon at www.agatheringoffriendsministries.org and join her “A Gathering of Friends Facebook Bible Study Group” here.

© 2020 by Marilyn Salmon. All rights reserved.

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