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Rejoicing in Suffering - Beloved Women - December 28, 2023

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Rejoicing in Suffering - Beloved Women - December 28, 2023

READ: “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: It had been a difficult season and just when I thought life was going to give me a break, things got worse.  Have you ever been there? Are you there now?

Sometimes, life is filled with challenges.   They just keep coming and all we want to do is get a break.  Here in the book of Romans, Paul is reminding us that there is a bigger and far more eternal principle at work when we experience difficulties.  Paul is reminding us that our suffering will produce endurance, our endurance will produce character, and our character will produce hope. 

We are not just talking about hope in something that will not last.  Our suffering produces a hope that will not put us to shame.  This hope is rooted in our Savior Jesus Christ and the promise that salvation brings of life in eternity with Him.  This is why we can rejoice because we know one day all suffering will cease.  It is a temporary reality that will result in an eternal hope. 

PRAY: Lord,  Thank you that You suffered first for my sake.  When I am overwhelmed by the challenges in this life, help me to remember that my suffering will eventually produce eternal hope.  In Jesus’ Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: How might your present suffering be producing an eternal hope?

CONNECT: For more encouragement from Kia Stephens visit www.kiastephens.com

© 2020 by Kia Stephens. All rights reserved.

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