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Answer the Call - Beloved Women - December 7, 2023

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Answer the Call – Beloved Women – December 7, 2023

READ: “And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: One of the most dangerous prayers, I prayed - here I am, send me. I didn’t know that this prayer would lead me to the frontlines of fighting for sex trafficking and rescuing women and girls in the red light district in Thailand. I didn’t know that this prayer would lead me to mourning a dream that I was so confident in and having to pivot because God was taking me down another path. I didn’t know this prayer would lead me to seminary. I didn’t know this prayer would take me back to my city of The Bronx (New York). And the list goes on. There is so much we don’t know about His will for our lives but we do know His plans are to prosper us. (Jeremiah 29:11) We know He is working all things for good (Romans 8:28) and we know He watches over us (Psalm 121:8).

Wherever we may find ourselves today, confident in His plans for our lives or weary in the waiting, we know that God is looking for ambassadors. You are up next, it’s only a matter of time! Every next step God led me to was more about the mission and the lives attached to it than it was about my own personal goals or the call on my life. I’m so grateful for those who went before me and accepted the Lord’s call and fully surrendered, because their YES led me to this place. Isaiah’s commission in this passage is not an easy one, but God didn’t promise us an easy life, He promised us His presence and grace when we are weak. May we remember about the people God is longing to reach, about the people in our own families, about the people He has a message of hope for, and the people who we will pass the baton to. That’s where He’s sending us, to the people, His people. I am reminded of the Great Commission to go into all of the world and make disciples, let’s build up His church!

PRAY: Father God, I thank you for choosing me for such a time as this. I ask that You would humble me to accept Your call and to remember that this is not about me - I am the messenger. I pray that You would send me into the world to love, feed, befriend, teach, disciple, mentor, give, speak, serve and be the light in a world that so desperately needs You. I thank you that You also give me joy in the process and that You go after the one. After all, You pursued me and I am forever grateful for Your love. I say, here I am Lord. Send me. In Jesus name, Amen.

REFLECT: Do you need to tell the Lord once more that you are available and open to the call? When was the last time you put some action behind your “yes”? Is fear holding you back? Or is it pride? If the Lord sacrificed much for us, who are we to shortchange Him? He needs you sis.

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Jenn Fernandez on Instagram @rubia115 and her website https://jfer.org/,where you can find a link to her spoken word EP: Step + Repeat.

© 2020 by Jenn Fernandez. All rights reserved.

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