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What to Do with What Frustrates You the Most - Beloved Women - February 26, 2019

What to do With What Frustrates You the Most – Beloved Women - February 26, 2019


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28 NIV


Have you ever felt like you had the “right” to revenge with your kids, your spouse, a friend, or someone at work who frustrates you? Demonstrating a little patience now can save us a lot of problems later. When someone tests our last nerve, we can walk with patience if we:

· Remember God’s purpose. These difficult situations offer the perfect place to turn to God for the strength to endure this circumstance and to see things as He sees them.

· Adopt God’s perspective. When someone is selfish or rude or maybe just mistaken, we can look past the pain and stand patiently in our love for others because of our love for God.

· Put others first. It’s easy to think if we put others first then our actions suggest they must have done something “right.” However, we work to please God, not to prove ourselves right.

Obeying God’s commands means you’ll live life differently, just like the life of Jesus.


Heavenly Father, we know the purpose in everything is to lead us back to You. In these moments when we are consumed with what we “deserve” to do, please help us to pause and turn to what Your Word says we should do. We praise You, dear God, because we know You are working all these things for our good and Your ultimate glory. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


Instead of reacting to humanity’s failures or out of your own struggles, what would your life look like if you submitted to God’s purpose, His perspective, and put others before yourself?


Find more encouragement from Trisha Keehn here.


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© 2019 by Trisha Keehn. All rights reserved.

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