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A Winning Walk - Beloved Women - January 10, 2020

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A Winning Walk - Beloved Women - January 10, 2020

READ: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT:   As I walked away from one of my favorite clothing stores, my hands were empty, but my heart was full.

I won. 

I stuck to my budget goals. I browsed but didn’t buy a thing. 

Whenever we walk away from temptation, there is always more to walk in through Christ. His grace, peace and power await us, whether our steps are bold or just beginning.

Facing temptation is a common struggle. But God’s grace gives us the uncommon ability to walk in His way of escape.  

Here’s what I mean. Lot walked away from Sodom. He knew looking back at the sinful city's destruction would destroy him. (see Genesis 19:15-22)

David walked away from vengeance. He kept his allegiance to God, instead of killing his nemesis Saul. (see 1 Samuel 24:1-15)

Mary walked away from busyness. She sat at Jesus's feet and learned how to choose what's best in life. (see Luke 10:38-42)

When it comes to escaping temptation, these biblical examples (and my shopping trip) remind me, it takes God’s wisdom to know what to do and His strength to do it. Let’s keep walking with Him and win.  

PRAY:  Dear God, You are faithful. Just when it feels like I’ve been tempted beyond my ability you offer me Yours. Thank you for an uncommon grace. It helps me endure temptation’s pressure and shows me Your way of escape.  May Your Strength be made perfect in my weakness as I keep walking with You and win. 

REFLECT: Are you a walk away from a win? It always moves us toward embracing God’s promises and relying on His power. 

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Joy A. Williams at  Subscribe to and receive a free PDF of “Say So Long to Sidetracked,” a biblical approach to overcoming distractions. It’s a great tool for personal study or to share with a group.

RELATED RESOURCE: With hectic schedules and full calendars, it may seem like time for God is limited, but the busier we are, the more we need God and the direction, peace, and protection His Word provides. The 2020 Beloved Planner is here to help. Each weekly layout includes a priority, prayer, and gratitude section to help you to make God a priority. Get your beautifully designed Beloved Planner here to help plan your day while keeping God first. 

© 2020 by Joy A. Williams. All rights reserved.  

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