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Your Promise Land is on the Other Side of Your Pain - Beloved Women - January 31, 2019

Your Promise Land is on the Other Side of Your Pain – Beloved Women – January 31, 2019


They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there.” - Numbers 13:27-28 NIV


Have you ever had your hopes dashed, a devastating thing happen, or a situation never seems to get better?

God designed a place for His children to prosper. It’s a Promise Land where you and I can experience the most abundant life in store for us; a renewed marriage, restored health, a refreshed calling, released from addiction.

Just like the Israelites who stood at the cusp of Canaan, their Promised Land, we might be standing one step away from our Promise Land and fear has us thinking of turning back.

It took 40 years of walking the wilderness to find this Promise Land, and now God’s children are letting fear of the unknown turn their tribe around.

You might be ready to cash in 40 years or even four months of marriage. Maybe you’re thinking of running back to a former life because you haven’t seen the harvest of your hard work yet.

Don’t give up yet; you’re almost there!


Faithful Father, we know You have good things in store for our future, and all Your promises are true. Strengthen our perseverance in what feels like delays or defeat so that Your purposes can be completed for our good and Your ultimate glory. Encourage our hearts today so that we can soldier on and step into that glorious Promised Land You have for us. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray. Amen.


Where are you ready to toss in the towel but the Holy Spirit is telling you to soldier on? What is one resource that could help you reach that Promised Land; a friend, determination, a plan, your small group?


Find more encouragement from Trisha Keehn here.


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© 2019 by Trisha Keehn. All rights reserved.

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