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Worry No More - Beloved Women - January 5, 2024

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Worry No More – Beloved Women – January 5, 2024

READ: "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:27 NIV)

TODAY'S ENCOURAGEMENT: I love God with all my heart and still, I'm a woman who worries. I have found much encouragement from Matthew 6:27 where Jesus instructs the disciples against the dangers of worrying about daily matters and the details in their lives. When we worry, we are often wanting to maintain control and not fully surrender to God. If we are not careful, worrying has the potential to suck the life out of us and steal our joy. Some worries include what to cook for dinner, what to wear, reconciling relationships, and discovering our God-given purpose.

As women, we are wired to nurture, act, and fix problems at a moment's notice. However, I encourage you to let today be a new beginning where you allow God to wash away your worries with his peace. Seek God's word for guidance and direction and ask Him to fill your spirit with a renewed assurance that your steps are ordered. Woman, worry no more.

PRAY: Dear God, Thank you for caring for us so deeply that you want us to cast all of our cares to you. Forgive us for times when we have wanted to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Remind us that your presence is with us, and you want us to surrender our worries to you. Soften our hearts to let your guidance in and the wisdom of your Word to direct us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

REFLECT: Have you ever caught yourself trying to fix a problem you didn't have control over in the first place?

CONNECT: Connect with Kirstyn Mayden at www.kirstynspeakshope.com or on Instagram @KistrynSMayden.

MORE BELOVED: Join Beloved Women for our next online Bible Study “Worth More Than Rubies: A Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” Too often when we think of what it means to be a godly woman we focus on what women do instead of who we were created to be. Learn how to cultivate the heart of a Proverbs 31 woman by joining our study “Worth More Than Rubies” at https://www.belovedwomen.org/rubies.

© 2021 by Kirstyn Mayden. All rights reserved.

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