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Trusting God in Your Waiting Season - Beloved Women - March 22, 2019

Trusting God in Your Waiting Season – Beloved Women – March 22, 2019


Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! - Psalm 27:14 NKJV


Recently one of my students requested a hall pass. Because I knew it wasn’t critical, I asked her to wait. The class had just received an assignment and she’d yet to begin. At my reply, she whined, “Why can’t I go now? Please?! It’ll only take a minute!”  When my answer didn’t change she refused to work.

As I watched her proceed through her tantrum, I was struck by the similarities between us. When I “wait on the Lord,” often instead of being content and completing the assignment(s) in front of me, I’ve been frustrated by what’s not happening according to my timetable.

In each season of our lives, there is a purpose behind every assignment the Lord gives us to complete. May we find encouragement in the truth that when we wait on the Lord, He will strengthen our hearts (Psalm 27:14). Whatever you’re waiting for today I hope this encourages you to make your wait time productive. Wait time, is not wasted time unless we allow it to be.


Lord, please help us to be productive in our times of waiting. Encourage our hearts and help us to finish the tasks at hand. In every season, help us to trust Your timing. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.


How are you making your wait time productive today?


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© 2019 by Mia Lewis. All rights reserved.

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