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Following the Voice of God - Beloved Women - March 24, 2023

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Following the Voice of God - Beloved Women - March 24, 2023

READ: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: Using unique signature whistles, likened to singing, the dolphin mama communicates with her unborn baby. Even from the womb, the baby dolphin is learning to recognize its mother’s voice. Along our journey, we will be bombarded with lots of voices. The accuser, well-meaning friends, TV and more are shouting at us all at once. It is essential that we have our ear attuned to His voice.

Just like we recognize a friend’s voice by knowing its tone, pitch and pace, God has a quality to His voice. The elements of God’s voice can be heard in His word. His voice teaches. His voice affirms. His voice speaks of His promises. As opposed to the voice of the accuser which condemns, blames, mocks and leads astray, God’s voice is clear and draws us close to Him.

It is essential that we know His voice, hear His voice and follow Him. Competing voices lure us to go our own way, but following Jesus’ voice ensures we will not be led astray. When we hear His voice and follow Him, we have the assurance that He is leading us in paths of righteousness for His namesake (Psalm 23:3).

PRAY: Lord, so many voices are competing for my attention. May my time with You strengthen my ability to discern Your voice. May the voice of the evil one be muted and Your voice be amplified. As You call out to me, may I recognize Your voice and follow You. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: How can you silence some of the other voices so that you can hear from Him more clearly?

CONNECT: Connect with Tyra Lane-Kingsland at www.inspiredtolivefully.com or on Instagram @InspiredFully.

MORE BELOVED: Join Beloved Women for our current online Bible Study “Worth More Than Rubies: A Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” This study takes a deeper look into not only what the virtues of a godly woman are but how we can gracefully and practically live them out to lead lives of faith, strength, and legacy. Learn more and join at https://www.belovedwomen.org/rubies.

© 2021 by Tyra Lane-Kingsland. All rights reserved.

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