Beloved Women

From Dying Faith to Supernatural Strength - Beloved Women - October 14, 2020

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From Dying Faith to Supernatural Strength – Beloved Women – October 14, 2020

READ: “And the angel of the LORD came again a second time and touched him and said, ‘Arise and eat, for the journey is too great for you.’” (1 Kings 19:7 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: When the journey is excessive, even warriors grow tired. The prophet, Elijah, boldly confronted idolatry and performed miracles to the glory of God. However, coming right out of a fiery victory by the hand of God, Elijah grew weary and fainthearted when his life was threatened.  Despairing of hope, Elijah ran off into the wilderness and begged the Lord to take his life. He simply did not have the strength to fight on.

But God met Elijah in his moment of weakness, and reminded him where his strength came from. Following a time of physical rest, God provided the supernatural nourishment that Elijah needed to continue his mission. Invigorated by the miraculous visitation, Elijah received power enough for his journey, light for the path ahead, and directions to a personal meeting with God.

Perhaps you can relate to Elijah.

You have seen God move miraculously in your life, yet sometimes your hope wavers and your faith feels weak. Don’t despair. God, who knows what service He has designed us for, and what trials we will encounter along the way, provides the grace and strength we need. Call out to Him today. He hears us and blesses us supernaturally.

PRAY: O Lord GOD, You are my strength and shield. In You, my heart trusts. Thank you for carrying me when I am weak and for being my saving refuge. Please give me the strength that I need for my life’s path and enable me to enjoy sweet fellowship with You always. In Jesus’ Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: Are you growing tired, relying on your own strength to serve God? How can you use your gifts to serve God with the strength He supplies?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Carla Lake on Instagram here.

© 2020 by Carla Lake. All rights reserved.

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