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Rejoice Exceedingly - Beloved Women - October 2, 2020

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Rejoice Exceedingly – Beloved Women – October 2, 2020

READ: “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him.” (Matthew 2:10-11 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: The wise men traveled a long distance to meet their new King. I love how the Scripture says they rejoiced exceedingly when they saw that the star had stopped at the place where Jesus was. They knew they had arrived and hope was awaiting them. It is their response when they saw Jesus that warms my heart. Scripture says they were so overwhelmed with joy that they fell down to worship Him.

This is my heart’s desire when in His presence, to be so overwhelmed with joy for who He is that I remain at a place of worship. God is so good and deserving of all our praise. He has already done enough for us and we should worship Him for that alone.

Worship is the act of honor and reverence. Let the wise men be our example today to worship the only One who is deserving of it. Let it be that before we ever receive a miracle or have another prayer answered, that we would be women so full of joy that we stay in a place of worship.

PRAY: Father, I rejoice exceedingly for who You are and what You have already done. I thank You for never turning Your back on me. I thank You for keeping me time and time again. I cannot wait for the day where every knee will bow and every tongue will confess You as Lord. Thank you for being the ultimate gift to this world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

REFLECT: Will you stay in a posture of worship to keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the things of this world?

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Shakia Clark at www.shakiaclark.com.

YOU’RE INVITED: If you like the Beloved Women Daily Devotional you will love the Beloved Women’s Online Conference. This a one-day event on October 10, 2020 is filled with speakers, worship, workshops and more to refresh, refuel, and empower women like us to find rest for our souls, peace for our minds, and hope for the journey. Our mission is to replenish the women who do so much for their families and communities so they can continue to build better futures for themselves and those they love and serve. If you’re ready to energize your relationship with God learn more and register today at https://www.belovedconference.org.

© 2020 by Shakia Clark. All rights reserved.

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