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Singing in the Shadows - Beloved Women - September 24, 2024

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Singing in the Shadows – Beloved Women – September 24, 2024

READ: “For you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.”

(Psalm 63:7 ESV)

TODAY’S ENCOURAGEMENT: My three year old granddaughter jumped into rectangles of sunlight projected onto the floor. “I’m playing with shadows!” Her contagious squeals of delight filled the room as she strategically avoided the darkened spaces. “Do you want to play with the shadows, Baba?”, she looks back at me with a 1000-watt smile, pumping her arms for takeoff! The discomfort of the sun-drenched floor radiating beneath my feet intensifies as I wait my turn.

Delighting in the shadows of His wings is not always on our agenda. Oftentimes, we suffer in the direct sunlight of our independence. Afterwards, we nurse our sunburns wondering why God's protection eluded us. Wise women know how to jump from shadow to shadow singing songs of joy while sheltered under His grace-filled arms. Stepping under the protection of Almighty wings may not be as glamorous as the adventure found in standing in the heat of opposition. But are God’s people supposed to continually stand and take the hits? The psalmist reminds us that we’re allowed to take a break from the battles of life, step under the protective shadow of God, and find reasons to sing in the shadows provided by the shelter of His loving arms.

PRAY: Heavenly Father, forgive me for those times when I choose the game of avoiding Your soothing presence in favor of my independence. Like a child, I sometimes take delight in how far I can step away from Your presence and still be seen by You. Thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You for always being willing to shelter me and give me time to rest. I am grateful for Your loving arms of safety. In Jesus Christ’s Name, I pray, Amen.

REFLECT: Think of a time when you chose to fight your own battle despite God’s offer of rest. Write out a prayer of your own inviting God to reveal those areas of your life that have not been fully surrendered to Him.

SHARE:  Wise women jump from shadow to shadow singing songs of joy while sheltered under His grace-filled arms.

CONNECT: Find more encouragement from Alida Sharp at www.alidasharp.com.

MORE BELOVED: If you like the Beloved Women Daily Devotional you will love the Beloved Women’s Online Conference. This a one-day event is filled with speakers, worship, workshops and more to refresh, refuel, and empower women like us to find rest for our souls, peace for our minds, and hope for the journey. Our mission is to replenish the women who do so much for their families and communities so they can continue to build better futures for themselves and those they love and serve. If you’re ready to energize your relationship with God learn more and register today at https://www.belovedconference.org.

© 2020 by Alida Sharp. All rights reserved.

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