Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathway - Aug. 3, 2012

Read Isaiah 10


Assyria to be broken; promise of Israel's restoration; Christ, the Branch of Jesse; the wells of salvation; thanksgiving for God's mercies; Babylon's doom predicted; Israel to be preserved.

Behold, God is my salvation . . . Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. . . . Praise the Lord, call upon His Name, declare His doings among the people (Is. 12:2-4).

If you were to give water to a person who was about to die of thirst, he would begin to revive and enjoy the water the very moment the precious liquid touched his lips. Water is essential and life-giving. Without water, humans will die. They can survive a little while, but, eventually dehydration will overtake the body. This water would be a most precious gift indeed.

All the wells of salvation are in Christ. Jesus is the Water of Life. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:14). There is no other way to obtain life except through Jesus. Every believer receives the priceless, satisfying water from Christ alone. The wells of salvation are revealed in His Word (John 3:3-5; 7:37-38).

Salvation and fellowship are the great themes of the Bible. These are gifts freely given to us by God. Salvation is given so that we might escape the penalties of sin. We all need fellowship to help us walk in this life in a Christ-like manner. We dare not neglect this joy of drawing the water . . . of salvation from His Word — it satisfies. If we reject this joy, we spurn the gift of salvation itself.

Come to the wellspring of eternal life. It is open to you. Whosoever will may come. The call goes out to every man, woman, and child to come to this fountain of Living Water to drink. It is the will of God that all should drink of this water that gives eternal life. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Pet. 3:9). The Word of God is clear concerning this free gift of life-saving water to the spiritually dying. Jesus Christ died in order to offer Himself, the Water of Life, to all who would come and drink.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely (Rev. 22:17).

Thought for Today:

Our Lord's well of life-giving water is as overflowing and inexhaustible as the nature of God.

Christ Revealed:

As the Descendant of Jesse, King David's father (Is. 11:1; comp. Luke 3:23,31-32). Isaiah 11 reveals Christ's coming earthly rule of righteousness. One day soon Jesus will return to earth in all the fullness of His glory and will be accompanied by His angels. Then He will set up the millennial Kingdom of His creation; this will be the beginning of His rightful eternal rule over His creation (Matt. 25:31-46; also Rev. 20-22).

Word Studies:

10:1 grievousness, oppression, injustice; 10:12 high, proud; 10:20 stay, rely; 10:22 consumption, destruction; 10:33 lop, cut off; 14:16 narrowly look upon, gaze at.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Iva Jo Swinsburg • Staff: Ben and Ilene Wallace's Anniversary • Government Official: Rep. Chris S. Murphy (CT) • Country: North Korea (22.2 million) in northeastern Asia • Major language: Korean • Violent oppression against all religions • 68% atheist; 15% Ch'ondogyo; 14% Other Traditional; 2% Buddhist; 1% Christian • Prayer Suggestion: Pray to be considerate to the less fortunate (Ps. 41:1).

Optional Reading: Hebrews 11

Memory Verse for the Week: Galatians 6:10

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