Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
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Bible Pathway - Jan. 18, 2010


Exodus 2

Highlights In Today's Reading:

Moses' flight into Midian; the burning bush; his commission to free the nation of Israel; his return to Egypt. Moses was a type of Christ. Both were endangered in infancy. Both were deliverers and mediators.

Verse for Today:

It was in the desert that the Lord appeared to Moses and said: Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground (Ex. 3:5).
Moses, as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, enjoyed the luxury of the Egyptian palace and received all the privileges and opportunities of administrative training. It appears that he could have been the next pharaoh of Egypt.

Moses was 40 years old when he executed the cruel Egyptian who was smiting (striking, beating) an Hebrew, one of his brethen (2:11-12). This probably was Moses' legal right since he was of the royal household and possibly second only to Pharaoh in administering justice. Moses was in the prime of his life and it would seem to be the ideal time for God to use him to set His people free from their slavery and suffering.

Instead it was the will of God that Moses flee Egypt, followed by 40 years as a shepherd in a desert wilderness. With the Lord such time is never wasted. Possibly in an Egyptian palace he was too busy and too important. However, both experiences — administration in the palace and being humbled by God in the desert — were vital in preparing him to be the person God could use to lead His people out of Egypt.

After his training in the desert, God said to Moses: I have . . . seen the affliction of My people . . . and have heard their cry by reason of the taskmasters; And I am come down . . . to bring them up out of that land . . . unto a good land . . . flowing with milk and honey. . . . Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh . . . (to) bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt (3:6-10).

The wisdom of the world alone cannot qualify us to serve the Lord. We must be led by the Holy Spirit through reading His Word and being obedient to its truth. Like Moses, our most basic need is to recognize the danger of self-sufficiency.

God declared His all-sufficiency as the great I AM (3:14) to deliver them from bondage. Moses exposed his fears by asking that God choose someone else.

Oh, how often we use the same excuses that Moses used, saying we are not qualified. But the real key is to trust God — not ourselves — for our sufficiency is of God (II Cor. 3:5).

Thought for Today:

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise . . . That no flesh should glory in His presence (I Cor. 1:27,29).

Christ Revealed:

As the I AM THAT I AM who commissioned Moses (Ex. 3:13-14; compare Heb. 13:8). Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily (Truly, truly), I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am (John 8:58).

Word Studies:

2:3 flags =deeds; 2:18 Reuel =Jethro; 2:23 bondage =severe oppression; 2:25 had respect unto =was concerned about; 3:18 hearken =believe and obey; 3:22 spoil =take the best of their valuables; 4:10 of a slow tongue =not qualified; 4:16 to thee instead of a mouth =your spokesman.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Kathleen King • Staff: Ilene Wallace • Government Officials: Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD), Rep. Kay Granger (TX), Rep. Michael Michaud (ME), Gov. Martin O'Malley (MD), and Rep. Charlie Wilson (OH) • Country: Sweden (8.09 million) in northern Europe • Major language: Swedish • Religious freedom • 90% Evangelical Lutheran; 1.5% Roman Catholic; 1% Pentecostal; 4% Muslim; 3.5% Other (Orthodox, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, Buddhist) • Prayer Suggestion: Pray when distressed and afflicted (Jon. 2:2).

Optional Reading: Matthew 18

Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 23:5

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