Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathway - June 21, 2012

Read Job 25


Job's reproof of Bildad; his praise to God; his truthfulness; source of wisdom; recalling past wealth.

Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding (Job 28:28).

Bildad had insinuated that Job was an unclean worm who could not be justified with God (25:1-6). But God had already revealed Job's true nature, saying he was perfect (blameless) and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed (shunned) evil (1:1). In the midst of them Job looked beyond all the false insinuations and criticisms to the Source of all wisdom. In the life of a Christian, it is needful to look past the natural at times. We serve a God who is not bound by the rules and guidelines placed on life by this world. We must act as Job did. He knew God was the ultimate Judge. He knew that he must listen to God for correction and direction. Job acknowledged that even though he could not penetrate the veil of mystery surrounding his trials, he still accepted that God was in control. We may not know the Lord's purpose for our lives but we trust that His desire is the best for us. The Word of God provides us with the answers to all our needs. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16).

Job was never as concerned about knowing the answer to his problems as he was about having a right relationship with God, saying: Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom (Job 28:28). The single most important thing in life for the child of God is keeping his relationship with Jesus Christ fresh and vibrant. We do this by coming under the blood covering of Jesus in our lives. We do this also by praising and worshiping the wonderful name of our Savior. And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Rev. 12:11).

Through mere human intellect, man cannot comprehend the wisdom or the ways of God. Those who leave Christ — the Living Word — out of their lives will never discover true wisdom and understanding, and they will miss the greatest discovery of life — Christ, who is the Truth. Sadly, to reject Him is to remain in spiritual ignorance and darkness.

We speak . . . not the wisdom of this world . . . that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory (I Cor. 2:6-7).

Thought for Today:

The more we die to "self," the less we will be affected by the criticism of others.

Christ Revealed:

Through Job's compassion for others (Job 29:15-17,21-25). Jesus was moved to compassion when He saw great crowds in need of healing and feeding (Matt. 14:14; 15:30-39).

Word Studies:

27:22 fain flee, desire to flee; 29:14 diadem, turban.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Lt. Col. Walter & Penny Swanson • Staff: Jennifer Palafox • Government Officials: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA) and Rep. Dan Burton (IN) • Country: Israel (6.1 million) in the Middle East • Major languages: Hebrew and Arabic • Witnessing to Jews about Christ the Messiah is actively discouraged • 80.2% Jewish (mostly secular); 14.6% Muslim (largely Sunni); 2.1% Christian; 1.6% Druze; 1.5% Other • Prayer Suggestion: Intercede in prayer for your friends (Job 42:7-10).

Optional Reading: Ephesians 4

Memory Verse for the Week: Ecclesiastes 12:13

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