Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathway - May 13, 2010


1 Chronicles 6


Levi and the priestly line include Moses and Aaron. Lists of all the priestly services. The homes of the Levites.

Chapter six is given wholly to the tribe of Levi, which God appointed to serve as His priests. Observe the striking differences in the character of the men who were set apart for sacred service. Some were wholeheartedly devoted to their God-given responsibilities while others profaned their holy calling. From the time of Aaron, the first high priest, until the Babylonian captivity, the names of the priests are documented in detail. Aaron was devoted to his God-given responsibilities, but two of his sons, who had every opportunity to be equally used by the Lord, were hypocrites (Lev. 10:1-2; Num. 3:4). Eli was a faithful prophet but his sons were unworthy immoral reprobates. Samuel was a godly judge, priest and prophet, but his sons were unscrupulous and took bribes. For years, Zadok (I Chr. 6:8) shared the High Priest position with Abiathar (I Kin. 2:26-35), but by participating in Adonijah's plot to seize the throne from David, Abiathar became a traitor (1:7).

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found (remain) faithful (I Cor. 4:2).

The sons of Levi represented a sacred office — not a political appointment or popular vote of the people — so there was to be submissive obedience to their God-given call.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matt. 5:16).

Every true Christian today has the privilege and responsibility of representing the Lord and of being a faithful servant of Christ.

But wilt thou know . . . that faith without (that does not result in) works is dead (worthless)? Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect (proven to be true faith) (James 2:20-22)?

It should be of little consequence to us whether or not it appears that we are used of God in a spectacular ministry. We are prone to measure approval by God in the light of sensational success. However, the person who satisfies God is one who gives the best of himself — his time, talents, and thoughts — fulfilling the will of God. Jesus illustrates this by observing a widow who gave in the Temple offering only two mites and said: This poor widow hath cast in more than they all (Luke 21:3). She was not in competition with anyone — just doing the best she could for the Lord with what she had.

Thought for Today:

May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Thess. 5:23).

Christ Revealed:

By the cities of . . . refuge (I Chr. 6:57, also 67,71-72,78,80). For a person to have protection from the avenger of blood, he had to flee to a city of refuge. God provided His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to be our Refuge from His judgment against our sin. (Compare John 3:14-18; 10:24-30; Gal. 2:16; 3:1-14; Heb. 10:1-18; I John 2:2; Rev. 1:5.) When, by faith, in obedience to His Word, we come to Christ, He becomes our Refuge (Heb. 6:18-20).

Word Studies:

6:32 waited on =b> performed service in; 6:66 residue =b> balance; 6:74 suburbs =b> pasturelands; 7:23 it went evil with =b> tragedy had happened to his family; 7:24 nether =b> lower.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for International Broadcasts sponsored by Thursday Morning Prayer • Staff: Rita Guerra • Country: Italy (58 million) in southern Europe • Major languages: Italian and German • Religious freedom • 81% Roman Catholic; .4% Protestant; .1% Eastern Orthodox • Prayer Suggestion: Draw near to God in prayer with a true heart in assurance of faith (Heb. 10:22).

Optional Reading: Romans 16

Memory Verse for the Week: John 1:4

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