Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathway - May 29, 2010


2 Chronicles 28


Another era of wickedness begins with King Ahaz spiritually defiling the whole nation. Be sure to read the consequences of his action in 28:19. After his death, revival comes with godly king Hezekiah. Worship is restored in the Temple, they keep the Passover, and confession is made to the Lord (II Chr. 30:27).

Hezekiah began restoring biblical principles and true worship of God. He recognized the blessings of God as of utmost importance and as most essential. This was in striking contrast to the ungodly example of his wicked father and his corrupt court. Hezekiah. . . . did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that David . . . had done (29:1-2). He proclaimed a national Passover that exceeded all Passover observances since the time of Solomon. He sent special letters to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, inviting them to keep this Passover. Hezekiah feared neither the reaction of King Hoshea of Israel nor the Assyrian kingdom that dominated them.

The secret of his inspiration and power is explained: He clave to the Lord and the Lord was with him (II Kin. 18:6-7). Thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah, and wrought that which was good and right and Truth before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the House of God, and in the Law, and in the Commandments, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered (II Chr. 31:20-21). He repaired and cleansed the Temple. Under extreme difficulty and danger, he was determined to do the will of God: It is in mine heart (29:10). No compromise, no half-measures, no delay. A lawyer, asked . . . Master, which is the great Commandment in the Law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, and with all thy mind (Matt. 22:35-40). There is a strong spiritual tie between our estimate of God and what we think is important in our life. Without exception, every Christian should seek . . . first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things (natural necessities of life) shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33). Christ calls us to a life of faith and dependence, because it is the life He Himself led.

When God says: Seek My face (II Chr. 7:14), He means for us daily to seek His will in His Word that we may know the true values in life and what He expects us to do. As we read His Word, the Holy Spirit not only enlightens our understanding to know His will, but He empowers us to live it and assures us that the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us. . . . according to the will of God (Rom. 8:26-27).

If we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, we will do everything we can to invite anyone and everyone we can to Him. Christ's command is clear: As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you (John 20:21) — into homes, factories, offices, and to all nations.

Thought for Today:

We need to ask ourselves: "Will what I'm seeking in prayer bring honor to the Father or merely benefit me?"

Christ Portrayed:

By King Hezekiah who offered an intercessory prayer for every one That prepareth his heart to seek God (II Chr. 30:18-19). Jesus Christ our King, now seated at the right hand of God, intercedes in prayer for all who continue to seek Him (Rom. 8:34). Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God (Col. 3:1).

Word Studies:

28:3 Hinnom (Gehenna — translated as "hell" in the New Testament); 28:10 keep under =b> make slaves; 28:15 shod them =b> gave them sandals; 28:25 several =b> single; 30:6 posts =b> runners, couriers; 30:22 comfortably =b> encouragingly; 30:23 took counsel =b> agreed.

Prayer Needs:

Pray for Government Officials: Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX), Rep. Frank Kratovil (MD), and Rep. Jerry Moran (KS) • Country: Lithuania (4 million) eastern coast of Baltic Sea in northeastern Europe • Major languages: Lithuanian and Russian • Limited religious freedom • 80% Roman Catholic; 5% Russian Orthodox; 1% Protestant • Prayer Suggestion: Pray when you are afflicted and suffering (James 5:13).

Optional Reading: 1 Corinthians 16

Memory Verse for the Week: John 1:6

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