Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways 05/05/2003

May 5

Read II Kings 11 -- 13

In Today's Reading:

Athaliah reigns; David's descendants murdered; Joash crowned king; he repairs the Temple; worship restored; evil reign of Jehoahaz

When Athaliah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, received word that her son, King Ahaziah, was dead, she seized the throne of Judah and proclaimed herself queen. To make sure she had no competition, she ruthlessly murdered her own grandsons. She thought she had killed all of David's descendants.

However, God intervened and saved the one-year-old Joash (Jehoash), the sole link that preserved the dynasty of David and the lineage of Jesus Christ For six years, Athaliah ruled the kingdom of Judah. During that time, Joash, the king's son, remained in the protective care of Jehoiada the high priest and was kept hidden.

When Joash was about seven years old, Jehoiada placed a crown on his head in a public ceremony in the Temple; then he gave Joash the covenant of God and anointed him king of Judah. The people shouted: Long live the king! The excited shouts caught the attention of Athaliah, who ran into the Temple court just in time to hear Jehoiada the high priest command the captains of the guard to execute her. Following this, Jehoiada made a covenant between the king and the people that they would serve the Lord. The people immediately demolished Athaliah's temple for Baal worship.

During the lifetime of Jehoiada, the priest instructed Joash. However, after Jehoiada died, some of the rulers of Judah influenced the king to forsake the Word of God and serve idols.

God, in mercy, provided prophets to warn the people of their sins. But they were ignored. Eventually, Joash's own servants killed him. The account of Joash illustrates that to ignore the Word of God inevitably results in destructive consequences.

Devotional commentary also refers to: II Chronicles 24:2-25; II Thessalonians 2:10.

Christ Portrayed:

By Jehoiada, who protected Joash and, in holy judgment, had Athaliah slain (see II Kings 11:4-16). Christ keeps us safe to fulfill His will and will return to judge all who refuse to obey the word of God (see II Thessalonians 1:8).

Word Studies:

11:7 two parts = two companies; 11:8 compass = surround; 12:5 breaches = the damaged places; 12:11 laid it out = paid it out; 13:6 grove = the place to worship the goddess Ashtoreth.

Prayer Needs:

Staff: Rick Hash · Bible Pathway Faith Promise Supporters · the International Shortwave Radio Broadcast sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. V.R. Stuebing, Jr. · Government Official: Rep. Charles Gonzalez (TX) · Country: Benin (6 million) in western Africa · Major languages: French and tribal languages · Some hostility toward Christians · 59% animism and voodoo; 17% Muslim; 16% Roman Catholic; 3% Protestant · Prayer Suggestion: Call unto the Lord and He will give you strength to overcome (see I John 4:4).

Optional Reading: Romans 8

Memory Verse for the Week: I Peter 1:23

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