Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways 05/17/2003

May 17

Read I Chronicles 17 -- 20

In Today's Reading:

David forbidden to build the Temple; God made a covenant with David; his prayer; his kingdom extended

Prayer and praise to God were distinguishing characteristics in the life of David. It is often recorded how much David prayed. His prayers were often words of praise that exalted the Lord above all else. Although almost everyone is aware of the importance of prayer, the majority of our prayers are merely requests for personal needs. Prayer has led many Christians to make the right decisions. But few praise the Lord enough for His Word which reveals who He is.

As we pray, we are speaking to our Father, and as we read His Word, He is speaking to us. That is open communication in the family of God. Prayer and knowing God's Word are vital links in releasing heaven's power to answer our prayers.

There is no other how-to-pray manual, nor any better reading plan, than beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation. It is an attitude of foolish pride to believe we are qualified to choose what not to read when the Lord has clearly said that all the Bible is profitable to us. If we don't read all of it, then we fail to gain the best preparation for prayer that God has provided. When we recognize the Bible as His unique prayer manual written for us, we will give it priority far above all other important matters in our daily schedules. The way we live will always honor the Lord, as we gain a better understanding of His Word.

Devotional commentary also refers to: I Samuel 23:2,4; 30:8; II Samuel 2:1; 5:19,23; 21:1; I Chronicles 14:10,14; 17:20; II Timothy 3:16; Ephesians 1:17-19.

Christ Portrayed:

By David, the shepherd-king (see I Chronicles 17:7; compare Matt. 1:1; Romans 1:3), symbolic of Christ as theGood Shepherd (see John 10:11).

Word Studies:

17:7 sheepcote = pasturelands; 18:4 houghed = crippled by cutting leg tendons; 19:4 hard by = near the middle; 19:6 odious = detestable, offensive.

Prayer Needs:

Coleman O'Neal and the Bible Pathway Radio Broadcasts on WKDX-AM, Hamlet NC · the International Shortwave Radio Broadcast in honor of Grace Cantey · Government Officials: Sen. Chuck Hagel (NE) and Rep. George Miller (CA) · Country: Canada (31 million) in North America · Major languages: English and French · Religious freedom · 47% Roman Catholic; 37% Protestant; 3% Eastern Orthodox; 2% cults; 1% Jewish · Prayer Suggestion: Seek the Lord when in despair; He is your deliverer (see Jonah 2:5-6).

Optional Reading: I Corinthians 4

Memory Verse for the Week: Colossians 3:16

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