Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways 05/25/2003

May 25

Read II Chronicles 14 -- 17

In Today's Reading:

King Asa's reforms; his covenant with God; his treaty with Syria (Aram); Asa rebuked by Hanani; Asa's death; Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa

King Asa was the grandson of Rehoboam and the great-grandson of Solomon. But Asa was greatly encouraged by the prophet Azariah and removed the pagan idols of Rehoboam and Solomon that existed in his kingdom. He also restored the Altar of the Lord near the Lord's Temple. Then he called for an assembly of all the people to renew their Covenant with the Lord and God gave them peace from war for 10 years.

Asa left no room for compromise and destroyed all the pagan idols, as well as all the male shrine prostitutes. He even removed his own grandmother Maachah from being queen-mother and chopped down her detestable pagan idol and burned it in the Kidron Valley.

You can be sure that, when anyone takes a firm stand for moral and spiritual values, Satan will instigate opposition and then seek to bring about a compromise in that person's positive declaration of faith.

As often happens, when his wealth and power increased, Asa's dependence upon God decreased. The prophet Hanani rebuked Asa when he depended upon the king of Syria for help. And the king put Hanani in prison for his faithful witness.

Jesus made it clear how important it is not to be intimidated by man, but to remain faithful to God.

Devotional commentary also refers to: I Kings 15:12; Matthew 10:28; 11:29.

Christ Revealed:

Through the peace from enemy nations that God gave Judah (see II Chronicles 14:7). Jesus has provided every Christian with His peace beyond compare (see John 14:27; Philippians 4:7; Matthew 11:29).

Word Studies:

14:15 tents of cattle = livestock enclosures; 15:5 vexations = disturbances, turmoil; 15:16 mother = grandmother; stamped it = crushed it; 16:14 sepulchres = tombs; 17:12 waxed great exceedingly = became increasingly powerful; castles = fortresses, strongholds.

Prayer Needs:

Operation Mobilization · the International Shortwave Radio Broadcast in honor of Linda Kennon · Government Officials: Sen. Gordon Smith (OR) and Rep. Ed Whitfield (KY) · Country: Congo, Republic of the (2 million) in west-central Africa · Major languages: French and Lingala · Limited religious freedom, but government hostility has lessened · 41% Roman Catholic; 20% fetishism and belief in ancestral spirits; 17% Protestant; 9% cults · Prayer Suggestion: Can you say you are ready for the Lord's coming? (see Malachi 3:2).

Optional Reading: I Corinthians 12

Memory Verse for the Week: Psalms 119:9,11

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