Bible Pathways Daily Bible Reading Devotional

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Bible Pathways 07/15/2002

July 15

Read Psalms 119

In Today's Reading:

The greatness, power, and perfection of God's Word.

Verse for Today:

Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Law. . . . Teach me, O Lord. . . . Give me understanding, and I . . . shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the path of Thy Commandments. . . . and not to covetousness (119:18,33-36).

The purpose of the longest chapter in the Bible is to focus our attention on the one infallible Guide to Life. In it, God has provided everything we need to know to be the person that He planned us to be and to accomplish the purpose for which He created us. Equally indispensable is knowing our Creator, Savior, and coming Messiah King. The chapter opens with: Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the Law of the Lord. . . . and [who] seek Him with the whole heart (Psalms 119:1-2). This means much more than just avoiding sin or living a good life.

It reveals how we may prepare ourselves to serve Him and lay up treasures in Heaven for the next million years. The psalmist was also led to say that God has provided a way whereby we may be cleansed from sin and all that defiles, by taking heed (conforming our lives) [to God's Word] (vs 9). The blessed can say: With my whole heart [I have] sought [You]: O let me not wander from [Your] Commandments. [Your] Word have I hid in [my] heart, that I might not sin against [You] (vss 10-11).

Some people are waiting for a more convenient time. But, it is by taking daily delight in His Word, as much as in all riches (vs 14), that our fellowship with the Lord is gained and maintained. The psalmist continues: I will not forget [Your] Word (vs 16). This kind of forgetting is more than a momentary memory lapse. This means a gradual drifting away from God, which results in becoming so involved in other interests that the reading of His Word is neglected.

But all true believers should be able to say: I will delight myself in [Your] Commandments, which I have loved (vs 47). When this is true, we have something to sing about, regardless of circumstances (vs 54). The child of God can also say: Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept [Your] Word. . . . It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn [Your] Statutes (vss 67,71).

Though he had been afflicted, the psalmist never found fault with God, nor did he ever doubt the Lord's wisdom and justice. And, for many, it is in times of distress that we recognize that we have made wrong choices which led to bad consequences. This is when we recognize that the Bible is priceless, for it alone reveals life's true values and prepares us for eternity. Because of this, the psalmist could say: O how I love Thy Law! it is my meditation all the day. . . . I rejoice at Thy Word, as one that findeth great spoil (treasure). . . . Great peace have they which love Thy Law: and nothing shall offend them. . . . My soul hath kept Thy Testimonies; and I love them exceedingly (Psalms 119:162).

Christ Revealed:

By the psalmist who delighted in the Commandments of God (Psalms 119:47). Christ said: I came down from Heaven, not to do [My] Own will, but the will of Him that sent Me (John 6:38; 15:10).

Word Studies:

119:1 undefiled = blameless; 119:7 uprightness of heart = sincere intentions; 119:25 My soul cleaveth unto the dust = I am discouraged; quicken thou me = restore my life; 119:28 melteth = is weary because of grief; 119:83 become like a bottle in the smoke = shrivel like a wineskin in the smoke.

Prayer Needs:

Government Officials: Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Rep. William (Mac) Thornberry (TX), Gov. Jesse Ventura (MN), and Sen. George Voinovich (OH) · Pray for your Sunday School teacher · Country: Moldova (4 million) southeastern Europe · Major languages: Rumanian and Russian · Limited religious freedom · 66% Romanian/Russian/Bulgarian Orthodox; 3% Roman Catholic; 2% Protestant; 2% Jewish · Prayer Suggestion: Your prayers must be offered to God with the Spirit and understanding (John 4:22-24).

Optional Reading: 1 Timothy 6

Memory Verse for the Week: Romans 3:10

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