Bible Pathways 07/19/2002
July 19
Read Psalms 144 -- 150
In Today's Reading:
David's praise for God's mercy and goodness; benefits of trusting in God; all creation to praise the Lord; triumph in the God of Israel.
Verses for Today:
Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live I will praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. . . . Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever (146:1-3,5-6).
In the last five psalms, the psalmist begins and ends each with: Praise ye the Lord! (Psalms 146:1; 147:1,20; 148:1,14; 149:1,9; 150:1,6).This phrase is a translation of the Hebrew word: Hallelujah!
We too have the privilege of expressing praise from our hearts. We praise the Lord that we can look to Him for our needs. We praise the Lord because we have the God of Jacob for our help. The Lord shall reign for ever. . . . Praise . . . the Lord! (146:10).
The psalmist continues by saying: It is good to sing praises unto our God, for . . . He [heals] the broken in heart. . . . The Lord [takes] pleasure in [those] that fear Him. . . . He [sends] forth His Commandment upon (the) earth (147:1,3,11,15). His Name alone is excellent; His glory is above the earth and heaven (148:13). We praise . . . the Lord. . . . For the Lord [takes] pleasure in His people (149:1,4). The desire of the Lord is to meet every need of His children. This reveals both His great love for us and the reason our praise and obedience are due Him.
The fact is, the more we are determined to truly trust the Lord and allow Christ to be First in our lives, the more we will experience interruptions which seem to demand our time and attention. When this happens, we often become distracted and involved with things of little value rather than seeking the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Let us seek the Lord's will and His presence, not merely the answers to our problems or the demands of our interruptions. Many times, even "good things" keep us from "the best" that God would give us. This is Satan's way of keeping us from fulfilling the will of God. But, it may also be a test of our faithfulness, to see if, like Job, we will come forth as gold (Job 23:10). When we experience chastening, we know that it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby (Hebrews 12:11).
Throughout the Book of Psalms, we are made aware that we have a loving Heavenly Father Who wants the best for His children. To make this possible, He has provided His Word as the One True Guide that reveals how we can experience the best in life. God has also provided His Church, where we can sing praises to Him, share our testimonies with others who love Him, and receive instruction and inspiration from our spiritual leaders. We were never meant to be self-sufficient, independent loners (Ephesians 4:16).
The Book of Psalms concludes by proclaiming: Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord! Praise ye the Lord (Psalms 150:6).
Christ Revealed:
As the One Who gives sight to the blind (Psalms 146:8). Jesus Christ opened blind eyes. Then touched He their eyes . . . . And their eyes were opened (Matthew 9:27-30; Mark 10:46-52; John 9).
Word Studies:
144:7 rid = rescue; 144:13 garners = grain storehouses; streets = fields; 145:3 unsearchable = beyond our understanding; 147:4 telleth = counts; 148:7 dragons = large sea animals.
Prayer Needs:
Government Official: Rep. John Hostettler (IN) · Pray for your church · Country: Mozambique (19 million) on the eastern coast of Africa · Major language: Portuguese · Religious freedom · 40% worship of false gods, ancestral spirits, and some witchcraft; 23% Roman Catholic; 14% Protestant; 13% Muslim · Prayer Suggestion: Ask in the name of Jesus for His glory, and your request will be granted (John 14:13-14).
Optional Reading: 2 Timothy 4
Memory Verse for the Week: Romans 3:10